Page 5 - March 2019
P. 5

Community Outreach

                                “Building Self-Worth” at

                       THE EXODUS COMMUNNITY

           The  Montgomery  (AL) Alumnae  Chap-                    engaged in the dialogue.   Soror John-
          ter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,                 son, in a skilled and straightforward for-
          Community  Outreach  Committee  con-                     mat guided the ladies to an awareness
          tinued its mission of spreading love on                  of  how  they  see  themselves  external
          February  11,  2019,  by  presenting  a                  and internal will determine how they es-
          “Building  Self-Worth  Workshop”  at  the                tablish      their      self-esteem         and
          Exodus Community.  This community is                     worth.   Circumstances  may  alter  your
          designed  to help  keep  do-                                                   life,  but  they  do  not
          mestic  violence  survivors                                                    have  to  define  your
          from being forced to return                                                    life.  Moving  forward
          to  an  abusive  relationship                                                  and believing in your-
          due  to  their  financial  reli-                                               self,     taking       ad-
          ance  on  an  abuser.  The                                                     vantage  of  resources
          overall concept is to nurture                                                  and  opportunities  will
          domestic violence survivors                                                    strengthen  you  to
          toward  self-sufficiency  by                                                   continue  moving  for-
          helping      them     set     and                                              ward.
          achieve goals that will give
          them an opportunity to bet-                                                    Sorors:  Jessyca  Dar-
          ter  provide  for  themselves                                                  rington,  Pamela  Gar-
          and their families, while al-                                                  rett,  Audrey  Peter-
          lowing enough time to pro-                                                     son,  Diane  Hamilton,
          duce  positive,  long-term  differences  in              and  Sandy  Johnson  were  humbled  by
          the lives of the families being served.                  the  experience  and  encourage  all  so-
                                                                   rors to attend any of the monthly activi-
          Sandy Johnson, a Licensed Profession-                    ties.    The  Montgomery  (AL)  Alumnae
          al Counselor, was the presenter for the                  Chapter  is  “Committed  to  Making  an
          evening,  each  resident  was  given  a                  IMPACT in the Community.”
          personal  gift  wrapped  colorful  hand
          held  mirror  with  a  matching  compact
          mirror for their purse.  The session be-
          gan  with  take  a  look  in the  mirror  and
          write down what you see activity. Soror
          Johnson  prepared  individual  mirrors
          printed  on  paper  to  record  their  re-
          sponses; the responses were emotion-
          al,  heartfelt,  diverse,  and  enlighten-
          ing.  The residents and the Sorors were

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