Page 6 - March 2019
P. 6


                                     ANNUAL PRAYER BREAKFAST

         The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter host-               Chaplain.  Rev.  Peabody  Smith  spoke  on
         ed  its  Annual  Prayer  Breakfast  on  Saturday,       strength  in  working  together,  the need for the
         March 2, 2019 at the COD Center. This year’s            Sisterhood to support each other, and building
         theme  was,  “It’s  Prayer  Time:  Unleashing           ourselves up without tearing others down. She
         the Warrior Within…Mind, Body and Spirit.”              also stated, “That when we come together, we
         Chapter Sorors were joined this year by Sisters         can  do  amazing  things.”  Rev.  Peabody  Smith
         in  Greekdom:  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,           urged  attendees  to  release  the  warrior  within
         Inc.,  Beta  Nu  Omega  Chapter;  Alpha  Kappa          and stressed we need to have a “Sister Squad”
         Alpha Sorority, Inc., Omega Chi Omega Chap-             with  five  women:  a  Hannah,  Deborah,  Olivia,
         ter;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority,  Inc.,  Alpha  Rho     Abigail, and Rhoda.
         Zeta Chapter; and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorori-
         ty, Inc., Beta Sigma Chapter. Over 95 Sisters           Soror  Crystal  D.  Crump,  Second  Vice  Presi-
         were in attendance to fellowship, break bread,          dent,  Montgomery  (AL)  Alumnae  Chapter,
         sing, and pray together.                                gave  closing  remarks  and  thanked  President
                                                                 Brown for having the vision to include our Sis-
         Soror  Sandy  Johnson  set  the  atmosphere  for        ters  in  Greekdom  and  the  Chaplain’s  Council
         the  service  with  spiritual  Praise  and  Worship.    for executing the vision. She also thanked Rev.
         Soror Cassandra E. Brown, President, brought            Peabody Smith for delivering a powerful mes-
         greetings  and  welcomed  the  attendees  to  the       sage.  Attendees  were  asked  to  complete  a
         breakfast.  The  Scripture  Reading,  Psalm  27,        card  with  a  prayer  request  to  be  prayed  over
         was  brought  by  Pastor  Octavia  Banks,  Chap-        for  the  next  seven  days.  Pastor  Waters  and
         lain of Sigma Gamma Rho, Beta Sigma Chap-               Soror Robyn Lindsey, Chaplain’s Council, pre-
         ter. Co-Pastor Bessie Jenkins-Hamilton, Chap-           sented  gifts  to  Rev.  Peabody  Smith  and  to
         lain of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Chi Omega              each organization’s Chaplain.  In addition, Pas-
         Chapter,  delivered  a  moving  Opening  Prayer.        tor Waters thanked all those involved in mak-
         The  Occasion  was  delivered  by  Soror  Vivian        ing  the  Prayer  Breakfast  a  wonderful  spirit-
         Whiting,  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  Chap-         filled event.  Rev. Peabody Smith led a Prayer
         lain’s Council. A Prayer for the Family was de-         of Celebration and Declaration then ended with
         livered by Pamela Mathews, Chaplain of Zeta             a  Benediction.  The  Spirit  of  Love  and  Sister-
         Phi  Beta  Sorority,  Alpha  Rho  Zeta  Chapter.        hood was in the air.
         Juanita  Duncombe,  Chaplain  of  Alpha  Kappa
         Alpha Sorority, Inc., Beta Nu Omega Chapter,            The  Annual  Prayer  Breakfast  was  a  moving
         delivered a Prayer for the Community. A Cho-            and special celebration that brought the Sisters
         ral  Response,  “Lord  You  Are  Welcome,”  was         of  the  Divine  Nine  together  in  worship  and
         sung throughout the service.                            praise. It was a wonderful way to kick off Sis-
                                                                 terhood  Month  2019!    The  Montgomery  (AL)
         Following  the  blessing  of  the  food  by  Soror      Alumnae  Chapter  is  “Committed  to  Impactful
         Talula Miller, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,        Service”  as  we  work  with  others through  love
         Chaplain’s  Council,  a  breakfast  consisting  of      and faith to be a beacon of light for those we
         pork sausage, turkey sausage, beef links, ba-           serve.
         con,  grits,  eggs,  potatoes,  pancakes,  biscuits,
         fruit,  juice,  and  pastries  was  served.  Pastor
         Catrina  R.  Waters,  Chaplain  of  Delta  Sigma
         Theta  Sorority,  Inc.,  Montgomery  (AL)  Alum-
         nae  Chapter  introduced  the  speaker  for  the
         service, Rev. Jaye Lynn Peabody Smith, Delta
         Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Southern Regional

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