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February 2020
President’s Message Club Captain
As you read through this We are off and running for another
newsletter, I encourage you to pay close year of great golf. Hopefully, that one
attention to Finance Chair, Bryan week of snow will be the end of our
Thomson’s Finance Report in which he winter. All we need now is to convince
clearly lays out the financial challenges the rain to stop for a few weeks, so the
Gorge Vale is currently facing and the course has a chance to dry up a bit.
goals and targets that your Board of Directors has set to Regardless, we’re playing, those back East are not.
meet those challenges. Every member has a part to play to By now if you have entered a score for handicap
keep Gorge Vale viable into the future. I know we can purposes you will have seen the changes in the new World
meet the challenges with your support. Handicap System. Yes, there are changes and I’m sure
A big change is coming to our handicapping system as there will be more to come. Yes, your handicap is less,
we move to the World Handicapping System and at this but so is your competitors, so it all works out. I heard
time there may be more questions than there are answers. someone say the other day, “I’m not a 13 handicap, I’ve
However, Glenn Bell, Handicap Chair, Tim Howard, Club never been a 13”. Well, you are now, get used to it. We
Captain and Sylvie Martel, Women’s Captain will guide still need to supply BC Golf some information before the
Gorge Vale through this process. Both our Provincial and start of the active season to ensure we are getting the most
National golf associations face challenges with the accurate information possible for our handicaps. As you
implementation process so your patience is requested. can imagine, they are also learning the new methods and
Please direct your questions to our capable team. are quite busy in trying to get answers to everyone. Ergo
the reason why our winter handicaps are not being
The Club has found, as have other clubs in Victoria, calculated. I only ask that we all be patient with the
that excessive member charging to accounts creates a changes, and you continue to enter your scores as you
financial risk for the Club. In an effort to minimize this play. It might be a while before all the dust settles.
risk, a policy to limit the amount that can be charged to The 2020 Fixture List for Men’s, Women’s and Mixed
accounts needs to be put in place. tournaments has been completed and will be posted
Therefore, a proposed amendment to shortly. No big changes this year, the changes made last
Policy 2.1.4 Charging Privileges notes a year for a few events have been implemented for this year
third clause which reads c) Charging as well. The Spring Open, 5 April, will be an individual
privileges for members may be extended to Stableford event for the men and a four-person scramble
a maximum of $1500.00. This proposed for the women. The remainder of the events will be,
amendment was presented and tabled at the January 27 basically, the same as in previous years, including all the
Board meeting and will have a second reading at the Club Championships being competed on the same
February Board meeting. weekend. Each event will be open for registration 30 days
I encourage all members to stay informed of Board in advance and will be posted on the web, in Club Connect,
proceedings by reading Board Meeting minutes on the in the locker rooms, in the washrooms, and in the bar.
member page of the GV website at Our Club, Board of Entries for each event will close one week in advance of
Directors, Minutes and Reports. Also I encourage you play. Regardless, I’m sure someone will tell me “I didn’t
to direct your questions and concerns to your Board of know”.
Directors. Gorge Vale will be hosting the BC Men’s and
Ruth Blasner Women’s Mid-Am/Mid-Master Championship 26-28
President May 2020. We will be needing volunteers for scoring,
Pace of Play monitoring, live scoring, spotters and some
miscellaneous tasks. Volunteer lists will be posted in the