Page 3 - Newsletter_Feb_2020
P. 3

Green Committee                                        Finance Report

                             Everyone is anxiously waiting for a                   In  December,  the  Board  had  an
                         break in the weather.  It will come soon.             afternoon  session  to  discuss  the  Long-
                         Scott has 2 staff and 2 dogs during the               Term Plan and in particular the goals of
                         winter months and is busy with day to                 that  Plan  which  we  should  orient  our
                         day  play,  clean  up  and  daily                     activities  toward.    In  past  Plan’s  there
                         maintenance.   He has enough debris on                has  been  a  number  of  goals  outlined
         the course to keep him busy till spring.  Let’s hope the   focusing  on  course  conditions,  culture,  and  financial
         winds die down over the next few months.  He reports that   viability with several concomitant objectives under each
         we lost the large Garry Oak behind #16 green.          of those goals.
             Yellow  Tees:    The  yellow  tees  are  gaining  in   For the current Plan and goals the Board has decided
         popularity.    The  new  tees  will  be  open  for  play  in  the   to become much more specific and focused – over the next
         spring.  The exception will be #1, which is being revisited.    3  years  the  goal  is  to  increase  the  Club’s  revenue  by
         One  offshoot  of  building  the  yellow  tees  is  that  more   $600,000.    This means, that  annual  revenues  will  grow
         members are moving up to play the green tees.          from this year’s $2,305,000 to $2,905,000.
             Audubon Certification:  Ruby and Patrick organized     To  accomplish  this  goal  the  Board  is  focused  on
         the display for the Audubon Society in the entrance to the   increasing  revenue  from  three  areas:  1)  increasing  the
         clubhouse.  Check it out.                              number of members; 2) increased green fee play; and, 3)
             Gardens:  A special thanks goes out to Bill McMillan,   increased dues and fees from existing members.
         Gary  Moser and  Bill  Barber  for  tending  to the  gardens   The rationale for this is very simple.  As members will
         around the clubhouse, the ladies committee for working on   know, the Club has faced a difficult financial situation for
         the  gardens  by  the  corner  of  Tillicum  and  Admirals  in   a number of years and the Board and Management have
         front of the stone wall and the Juniors for maintaining the   spent a lot of time and effort on improving our finances.
         gardens on hole #’s 2 and 5.                           With  a  small  surplus  in  the  financial  results  last  year,
             Any members who have the gardening urge may adopt   conditions  have  definitely  improved.    However,  it  is
         a garden.  Just contact the office.                    important to understand two things:
             Winter  Cart  Paths:    Members  are  encouraged  to   •  The financial improvement has been on the operating
         think about where they park their power cart while on the   budget and not the balance sheet.  This is important
         cart paths, especially during the winter months when going   because  while  the  Club  has  improved  its  yearly
         off the cart path to pass a cart can cause a lot of damage.    operating results there has not been an improvement
         Where possible, park where the cart path is the widest so   in the balance sheet.  In particular we have not been
         other carts can pass.  This is especially important to the   able to set aside sufficient reserves to pay for future
         left of 1 and beside the 18  green.                        capital requirements such as replacing old equipment,
         See you on the course.                                     course  improvements  (bunkers,  irrigation,  etc.)  or
                                         Murray McAllindon          buildings maintenance.
                                           Green Committee       •  Second, the improvement in the operating budget has
                                                                    come  from  expense  control  rather  than  revenues.

                                                                    While the expense control has been very successful
                                                                    in reducing the deficits it has not allowed us to build
                                                                    up the needed reserves for capital requirements; nor

               Welcome New Members!                                 will it ever do so.  In addition, there is also a negative
                                                                    impact of reducing expenses in the course conditions,
           Conor Leentvaar            Int         Feb               service levels, and maintenance standards.  It is now
                                                                    very  clear  that  everything  that  can  be  done  on  the

           Roger Lundberg          Social         Feb               expense side has been done and the Club must now
                                                                    focus on increasing revenues.
           Cash Reumkens             Int          Jan               As raising revenues is the foremost issue that the Club
                                                                faces  the  Board  deemed  it  crucial  that  the  Long-Term
           Kirk Handrahan            Social       Jan           Plan’s objectives reflect this, which is why we have set the

           Sean McCullough            Int         Jan           3-year/$600,000 annual revenue increase as our singular
           Jaylen Ormiston            Jr/Jr       Jan               Over the next few months members will see a number
                                                                of initiatives and proposals come forward some of which
                                                                will  require  your  approval.    As  you  consider  these
                                                                understand that in order to maintain the viability of the
                                                                Golf Club we need to ensure that we can replace aging
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