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respective locker rooms and online soon.  I understand that                Handicap Committee
         many members volunteer for the Canadian Tour event at
         Uplands being held the following week, but I’m confident                 WHAT HAPPENED TO MY
         that we can look after this Championship as well.  If you                        HANDICAP?
         have any questions regarding the tournament or volunteer              Okay, the new handicap system has been
         work, please see me or Glenn Bell, our Tournament Chair               implemented and there are many things
         for the event.                                                        that still have to be figured out.
                                                Tim Howard
                                                Club Captain        1.  The old Winter Handicap has gone, you can still
                                                                       post your score but your handicap index will not
                                                                       be updated until British Columbia Golf figures out
                                Women’s Report                         winter course ratings and slope ratings for each of
                           The  NEW  Handicap  System  has             the tees. This was supposed to be completed by 15
                           arrived  but  there  are  still  a  few     January but as you can see it hasn’t yet.
                           wrinkles  to  iron  out.  Don’t  despair;   2.  British Columbia Golf has assigned what in their
                           you will be kept up to date as we all       mind is the correct par for each of our tees and
                           get a grip on it!                           what  holes  the  new  term  for  Handicap  Stroke
                           In  the  meantime,  your  Women’s           Holes, Index Allocations, are assigned so it may
         Executive  is  urging  you  to  start  putting  in  your  Gross   be a chore determining where your stroke holes
         Scores in the Golf Canada system Hole-by-Hole. Not only       are and where you take your net double bogey for
         will it align with the new Handicap system, but it will give   equitable stroke control.  Your Captains and I are
         us the data we need to do a proper rating of the women’s      working at getting the correct par for each hole/tee
         tees at the end of the year when we combine the women’s       and hope to have that exercise completed and sent
         scores for each hole with the tournament scores obtain in     to  British  Columbia  Golf  by  the  beginning  of
         2020. Also don’t forget to enter your scores THE DAY          February.
         YOU PLAY! You want to take advantage of the Playing        3.  The PCC (playing condition calculation) is very
         Conditions  Calculations  that  are  done  at  midnight  the   time sensitive – please enter your scores on the
         same  day  you  played.  If  you  need  guidance  with  the   day that you played as this is done remotely at 1
         changes, do not hesitate to call upon one of us!              minute into the next day.
                                                                    4.  If you are one of the many that posts their score at
         WINTER TEAM PLAY UPDATE                                       home on the Golf Canada website – not the kiosk
         Well! Well! Well! The Pink Panthers are still ahead by 5      or the Golf Canada app on your phone – you will
         points on the Purple Haze! I guess, for some of you out       notice there is  another  option for  you to select;
         there, the playing conditions in the past few weeks are not   “Format”.  You  can  post  your  score  as  a  stroke
         affecting your game, because we had some great scores         play score, a match play score, or another format
         lately! Stay dry and wear your pink or purple proudly on      of scoring i.e. Stableford.
         the weekend!                                               As  I  get  more  information  on  the  new  handicap
         The rivalry is continuing…                             system, I will post the updates by the handicap computer
                                                                and on the Club Connect emails that are sent out regularly.
                                                                At this time, I would also like to thank Nicole Fraser for
                                                                her support over the past couple of years; her assistance
                                                                with the Committee was very much welcomed.
                                                                                                        Glenn Bell
                                                                                              Handicap Committee

         Get your calendar out and pencil in Tuesday March 31,
         2020 @ 5h30 pm! Your invitation to attend our Women’s
         Spring Launch!
         Do you have any ideas or suggestions for the evening?
         Share  them  with  Jody  at
         ASAP! Soon, we will be finalizing plans for the evening
         and we would love to hear your ideas!
                                               Sylvie Martel
                                           Women’s Captain
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