Page 5 - Newsletter_Feb_2020
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Junior Report individual to their family or even an entire
We have been running our junior community. Our juniors are the future of this club and I
sustainable voluntarily donation program feel will become industrious students, productive young
men and women and wonderful citizens of our
for over three years now and on behalf of
our juniors I want to thank everyone for community.
their donations. Andy Reljic (Tuba)
Junior Coordinator
The Sengorvals group started the
New Year with our annual breakfast
with the Club President, Ruth Blasner,
and a representative from the office
staff, Don McKim, as our guests on
January 10 . Ruth gave us an overview
of Club activities and plans for the future, which was much
appreciated by the group.
The plan was to launch the year with our first
competition following the buffet breakfast, but the foul
weather prevented us from playing. A few hardy souls set
off from the first tee in the drizzle anyway – but this turned
into a deluge before long and everyone took cover.
We were fortunate on January 24 to have a gap
between storms, which allowed us finally to get our
competition year underway. Using the net best-ball in a
four-man team format, we had some remarkably low
scores, given the difficult course conditions. The winners
Juniors make cents; for instance, a donation of $5.00
per month will breakdown to just .16 cents per day. I am 1 (-16) David Walmsley, George Godwin and
appealing to our membership to consider a sustainable Bill Gibson (with Harold Frankfurter
voluntarily donation of $1, $2, $5 or more per month to seconded as their ‘phantom’ player).
sustain our junior program. We have a member that is 2 (-15) Ken Halstead, Gord Rowan and Gord
willing to match any new donations dollar for dollar up to Kristjanson (with Bill McMillan
a $2,000.00 maximum for new donations. seconded as their ‘phantom’ player)
It takes broad support from the membership and 3 (-13) Gordon Martel, Ed Jacobsen, Dave Muir
together we can make a difference. With approximately and Lew Townsend
six hundred members in our club, collectively we can 3 (-13) Bob Anderson, GJ Droszio, Dave Johns
succeed. What counts is the effort. Any donation will and Paul Dunae
make it possible for our juniors to prosper and don’t be
surprised if you find yourself benefiting from a big dose KPs: #2 Bob Anderson; #10 Gordon Martel;
of happiness in the process. Thank you to our Gorge Vale #14 David Walmsley; #16 Dave Muir
Members who have already made monthly donations to Our next scramble competition and breakfast get-
the sustainability of our Junior Program. Your generosity together is scheduled for Friday, 7 February. Sign-up
is crucial and greatly appreciated! sheets will be posted in the Men’s locker room or you can
Your support has provided an opportunity for these contact Ed Jacobsen at:
children to learn all the basics of the game, in a great We have 44 members in the group for 2020, but the
environment, making new golfing friendships that have door is always open for more. Contact Gordon Martel
the potential to last a lifetime. Thank you again to the (below) if you’d like to join.
Gorge Vale Members for their monthly donations and to Gordon Martel
the sustainability of our Junior Program. Your generosity Sengorval Coordinator
is crucial and greatly appreciated!
What happens when you enable the success of one
person? Does it stay contained in that one individual?
Success cannot stay still; it needs to ripple out from an