Page 20 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 20

Women of Distinction

        her company WithHealth.    genomic test and a lab profile.   at your disposal whenever you   gram I see some hope, which
        “When I first started, my focus   One great advantage is that we   need us, through your phone,   I haven’t seen for a very long
        was to find a way to deliver   can ingest your health records.   your desktop, or your iPad.   time.
        on the promise of precision   So, if you go to three differ-  Whatever you need, we're there   Working through the pan-
        care. I needed to solve access   ent doctors or three different   for you. Our patients feel as   demic was not easy. “When
        to care by using science and   health systems, we're able to   if they have a doctor in the   COVID began, we were secur-
        technology. It was as simple as   ingest that information. This   family.”        ing contracts with the Tribal
        that.  Having been a healthcare   avoids repeating tests that have   WithHealth works with   Nation. We were being intro-
        administrator for many years,   already been done.”    physicians that are ready and   duced to the largest insurance
        I knew that we could provide                                                      broker in the world who was
        healthcare in a much more af-                                                     starting introductions to their
        fordable way. We could use sci-                                                   clients because they saw With-
        ence, specifically genomics and                                                   Health as a solution for all
        other labs, to be able to help                                                    their clients. As COVID hit, a
        people on the road to preven-                                                     couple of things happened, the
        tion. I knew that we could use                                                    Tribal Nation shut down their
        technology by building With-                                                      clinics, and with everything
        Health telemedicine so that we                                                    shut down the employers
        could give access regardless of                                                   weren't interested in looking
        where the patient was situated,                                                   at benefits. The employers
        whether they were in rural                                                        were just trying to sort out
        America or Manhattan, and we                                                      whether they were going to be
        could provide care across all                                                     able to remain open.”
        medical specialties.”                                                                Cindy knew that she
           So how did Cindy                                                               had this entire program in
        accomplish this?  “I started                                                      place and when COVID hit
        WithHealth to bring afford-                                                       she decided that they needed
        able healthcare to everyone.                                                      to pivot and step in to help.
        We are a digital precision care                                                   “We had physicians, we had
        telehealth company. What                                                          nurses, we had a telemedicine
        that means is that we provide                                                     platform, and we had genetic
        genetic based healthcare in a                                                     pathologists. Very quickly we
        way that's affordable, acces-                                                     started advising employers on
        sible, proactive, and person-                                                     how they could safely return
        alized. We utilize genomics,                                                      to work. We started executing
        digital twin technology,                                                          our PCR testing for COVID
        augmented intelligence, and                                                       because it is a molecular test
        seamless care coordination                                                        and that's the kind of work we
        to provide our patients with                                                      know how to do. We became
        a 360-degree individualized                                                       the telemedicine provider for
        health profile.                                                                   the county of San Diego.  Our
           We have medical special-   What Cindy and With-    willing to make a difference in   role was to take the discharged
        ties that include endocrinol-  Health are currently doing is   the lives of patients.  In addi-  patients to our alternative dis-
        ogists, cardiologists, internal   focusing on bringing this to   tion to physicians, WithHealth   charge center for the county.
        and family medicine, rheu-  the employer market because   also has care coordinators and   Meanwhile, a friend intro-
        matology, and psychiatry. We   the employer’s rates for health   clinicians that are focused on   duced us to her team at The
        provide these specialties with   benefits are skyrocketing, so   doing whatever they can to   Discovery Channel and they
        access that's immediate and   with a yearly fee of $960 they   help make their patients’ lives   were very interested in how to
        best of all, it's affordable! It   are giving the patients access   better.       get back to production amid a
        costs employers $960 per year   to the care they truly need. For   Hearing about this   pandemic.  We put a program
        per employee and that in-  the visits that are not included,   transformational program   into place for them which
        cludes five primary care visits   the costs are between $45 and   made me feel that our current   allowed them to get back to
        and unlimited urgent care   $85 a visit. “Those who have   medical crisis can be saved if   production. From there, word
        visits throughout the year.  It   had the luxury of concierge   everyone signed up to be part   spread, and we got more and
        provides access to our physi-  medical care will love With-  of this program.  Healthcare   more introductions. And I'll
        cians, and unlimited access to   Health because it feels like a   is currently in a dismal state   tell you today, we've worked
        care coordination. It includes a   concierge doctor since we are   of affairs, and with Cindy’s pro-  with upwards of 300 produc-

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