Page 25 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 25


           "I feel that as a Filipino in the   As a member of the U.S. Navy,   Growing up in Vista, McGehee   Guided-missile submarines
        U.S. Navy, being a part of a mili-  Paguiligan,  as well as other sailors,   attended San Marcos High School   provide the Navy with unprece-
        tary exercise with my home coun-  know they are a part of a service   and graduated in 2010. Today, Mc-  dented strike and special operation
        try feels great and gives me com-  tradition providing unforgettable   Gehee relies upon skills and values   mission capabilities from a stealthy,
        fort that the Philippines makes   experiences through leadership   similar to those found in Vista to   clandestine platform. Each SSGN is
        efforts to help reinforce its ties to   development,  world  affairs  and   succeed in the military.  capable of carrying 154 Tomahawk
        the U.S.," said Paguiligan.   humanitarian  assistance. Their   “I learned woodworking and   cruise missiles, plus a complement
           "I believe that not only do we   efforts will have a lasting effect   metalworking in high school and   of heavyweight torpedoes to be
        gain proficiency in military oper-  around the globe and for genera-  college, which has helped my lev-  fired through four torpedo tubes.
        ations with our allies through ex-  tions of sailors who will follow.  el of craftsmanship and desire to   Strategic deterrence is the Na-
        ercises such as MAREX PI, but this   "Serving the U.S. Navy has   diligently make repairs,” said Mc-  tion’s ultimate insurance program,
        also aids in building trust and a   given me the means to support   Gehee. "It created a strong foun-  according to Navy officials. As a
        sense of security to my fellow Fil-  myself and my family while pro-  dation  of  understanding  sche-  member of the submarine force,
        ipinos back in the Islands," added   tecting my loved ones," added   matics."     McGehee is part of a rich 122-year
        Paguiligan.                Paguiligan.                   These lessons have helped Mc-  history of the U.S. Navy’s most ver-
           According to Paguiligan, the                       Gehee while serving in the Navy.  satile weapons platform, capable
        values required to succeed in the                        Known as  America’s  “Apex   of taking the fight to the enemy
        military are similar to those found                   Predators!,” the Navy’s subma-  in the defense of America and its
        in the San Diego.                                     rine force operates a large fleet   allies.
           "If there are any lessons that                     of technically-advanced vessels.   Serving in the Navy means
        have stayed with me and made                          These submarines are capable of   McGehee is part of a world that
        a significant impact to my career                     conducting  rapid  defensive  and   is taking on new importance in
        and in life is having discipline,                     offensive operations around the   America’s focus on rebuilding
        work ethic and the will to push                       world, in furtherance of U.S. na-  military readiness, strengthening
        through," said Paguiligan.                            tional security.            alliances and reforming business
           Homeported in San Diego,                              There are three basic types of   practices  in  support  of  the  Na-
        California, USS Essex is the sec-                     submarines: fast-attack subma-  tional Defense Strategy.
        ond ship in the  Wasp-class of                        rines (SSN),  ballistic-missile  sub-  “The Navy is tasked with pro-
        multipurpose amphibious assault                       marines (SSBN) and guided-mis-  tecting national interests and
        ships and the fifth ship named for                    sile submarines (SSGN).     defending our country,” said Mc-
        Essex County, Massachusetts. Es-                         Fast-attack submarines are de-  Gehee.
        sex was a 1000-ton ironclad river                     signed to hunt down and destroy   With more than 90 percent
        gunboat of the U.S. Army and lat-                     enemy submarines and surface   of all trade traveling by sea, and
        er U.S. Navy during the American   Photo by Mass Communication   ships; strike targets ashore with   95 percent of the world’s interna-
        Civil War.                 Specialist 3rd Class Christine Mont-  cruise missiles; carry and deliver   tional phone and internet traffic
           According to Navy officials,   gomery, Navy Office of Community   Navy SEALs; conduct intelligence,   carried through underwater fiber
        amphibious assault ships are de-  Outreach            surveillance, and reconnaissance   optic, Navy officials continue to
        signed to deliver U.S. Marines and                    missions; and engage in mine   emphasize that the prosperity
        their equipment where they are  Vista native serves   warfare.  The  Virginia-class SSN is   and security of the United States
        needed to support a variety of                        the  most  advanced  submarine   is directly linked to a strong and
        missions  ranging  from  amphib- as a member of U.S.   in the world today. It combines   ready Navy.
        ious assaults to humanitarian   Navy’s submarine      stealth and payload capability to   McGehee and the sailors they
        relief efforts. Designed to be ver-                   meet Combatant Commanders’   serve with have many opportuni-
        satile, the ship has the option of   force            demands in this era of strategic   ties to achieve accomplishments
        simultaneously using helicopters,                     competition.                during their military service.
        Harrier jets, and Landing Craft Air   NORFOLK, Va. – A Vista , Califor-  The Navy's ballistic-missile   “I’m  proud  of  how  we  took
        Cushioned, as well as convention-  nia, native is serving aboard USS   submarines, often referred to as   our ship from an extended ship-
        al landing craft and assault vehi-  New Mexico, one of the world’s   "boomers," serve as a strategic   yard availability to one of the top
        cles in various combinations.  most advanced nuclear-powered   deterrent by providing an un-  operational deploying assets on
           There are many opportunities   submarines.         detectable platform for subma-  the east coast,” said McGehee."I
        for sailors to earn recognition in                    rine-launched ballistic missiles.   get to see all of my hard work
        their  command,  community  and   Petty Officer 2nd Class Jar-  SSBNs are designed specifically for   come to fruition."
        careers while serving in the Navy.   rod McGehee joined the Navy six   stealth, extended patrols and the   As McGehee and other sailors
           "I have many small accom-  years ago. Today, McGehee serves   precise delivery of missiles.  The   continue to train and perform
        plishments or goals attained   as an electrician's mate.  Columbia-class SSBN will be the   missions, they take pride in serv-
        throughout my Navy career," said   “I believe every able-bodied   largest, most capable and most   ing their country in the United
        Paguiligan. "However, the most   American citizen should do some   advanced submarine produced   States Navy.”
        impactful to me was not my per-  kind of service,” said McGehee.  by the U.S. - replacing the current   “I have a steady paycheck and
        sonal achievements but the pro-  "We live here so we should   Ohio-class ballistic-missile subma-  have developed a great camara-
        gression and success of sailors I   have some responsibility to take   rines to ensure continuous sea-  derie with my shipmates,” added
        had the privileged of leading and   care of our land.  That’s why I   based  strategic  deterrence  into   McGehee.
        serving with."             joined the Navy."          the 2080s.

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