Page 23 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 23

Women of Distinction

                                                                                          agement and marketing, which
                                                                                          entails defining product specs
        KAVITA KRIPALANI                                                                  and go-to-market strategy. “Since
        Growing up in TiE/TYE                                                             I was one of the few people with
                                                                                          a business background as well
           I consider the TiE/TYE                                                         as engineering, I could not only
        community as pretty much an                                                       define the product, but could also
        extension of my family as I have                                                  articulate its value proposition
        literally grown up in this com-                                                   to consumers, industry analysts
        munity. My parents have been                                                      and internal businesses units,
                                                                                          including marketing and the busi-
        charter members of TiE since I                                                    ness development departments.”
        was a teenager in high school, so                                                 Then Pelin received a call from
        I have been lucky enough to have                                                  a recruiter to step into the VP of
        been exposed to the entrepreneur                                                  Marketing role at WebSideStory,
        community of San Diego since                                                      a cloud-based software company
        then. As I would accompany my                                                     that literally created web analytics
        parents to TiE events, I remember                                                 as we know it today. “WebSideSto-
        being so inspired by attending                                                    ry was the absolute perfect oppor-
        workshops on topics of interest                                                   tunity to combine my analytical
        and listening to the wisdom                                                  Photos Courtesy of Pelin Thorogood  skills and business experience into
        imparted by successful entrepre-                                                  transforming the art of marketing
        neurs and CEOs. Being exposed to                                                  into a quantitative science.” Web-
        professionals of such high caliber                                                SideStory, where Pelin ended up
        at a young age has been an expe-                                                  serving as Chief Marketing Officer
        rience that is invaluable.                                                        (CMO), became a true San Diego
           My father was on the TiE                                                       success story by going public (3rd
        Global Board of Trustees and was                                                  ever cloud computing company
        the President of the TiE San Diego                                                IPO) and making numerous ac-
        chapter from 2009-2010. Under                                                     quisitions of its own before being
                                                                                          acquired by Omniture/ Adobe.
        my father’s term as President, the   Pelin Thorogood                                 Pelin eventually left Web-
        foundation for the TYE San Diego                                                  SideStory to have her second
        program was established. San                                                      child. “I wanted to spend more
        Diego was one of the first handful   The Wholistic Research and Education Foundation  time with my young family, while
        of chapters in the world to begin   A Conversation with a Serial Entrepreneur     also leveraging my experience
        the TYE program. Now in 2020,                                                     growing companies. I was
        we are celebrating 10 years of                                                    fortunate to easily transition to
        TYE in San Diego, and celebrating          By Judith A. Habert                    an advisory role for over four
        20 years anniversary of the TiE                                                   years, working alongside CEOs of
        chapter.                                                                          some very exciting Silicon Valley
           I have since been observing                                                    companies. Those were fun years
        the growth of the TYE (TiE Young   Pelin Thorogood was just   location outside the United States.   with a different kind of rhythm.
        Entrepreneurs) high school   18 years old when she flew over   Pelin learned multiple languag-  I really enjoyed the diversity of
        program over many years as a   five thousand miles from her   es at Robert College, including   the companies I worked with,
        teen and into becoming a young   hometown of Istanbul, Turkey   English. So, although her move   and felt I was bringing a ton of
        adult, but this year in particular   to Ithaca, New York. An unlikely   to upstate New York was a bit of a   value to the CEOs I supported.
        I decided to mimic my father's   voyage for a young girl, but there   culture shock, at least there was no   Yet, deep down, I knew I wasn’t
        example and do my part contrib-  was a strong motivating factor   language barrier when she arrived   done with an operating role and
                                   that made this trip worthwhile.
                                                               - still an incredibly brave move for
        ute to the program by taking on   Pelin had just received a full ride   an 18-year-old.  missed being in the middle of the
        a leadership role with TYE. I was   scholarship to study Engineering   “I was born and raised in one   action. Perhaps most importantly,
                                                                                          I craved to lead my own team
        appointed as Executive Coor-  at the prestigious Cornell Univer-  of the oldest and most historical   again.” Pelin returned to the
        dinator to spearhead outreach   sity in New York. Not only would   cities in the world, and our family   C-suite upon receiving a call from
        and development for the TYE   she obtain outstanding grades but   travels had taken me to most of   the original founder of Web-
        Program. I love everything about   would go on to earn two addition-  the cosmopolitan centers in Eu-  SideStory. The year was 2012, and
        my position, from my invigorat-  al degrees while there, a master’s   rope. So, living in a small college   he was looking for help with a new
        ing conversations with program   degree in engineering and an   town for 6 years while at Cornell   analytics start-up he had founded.
        mentors to discussing the   MBA.                       was truly a unique experience. It   “I initially joined Anametrix, a
        innovative ideas that students   Pelin’s dad had worked for   was an absolutely beautiful place.   multichannel analytics player, as
        are excited to share. I am very   NATO and her mom for a Swiss   It turned out to be an incredible   an advisor given my substantial
        passionate about helping edu-  firm, so she had travelled exten-  educational experience as well as   experience in the space. I was
        cate and expose students to the   sively across Europe in her youth.   a whole new adventure, both cul-  also able to bring in my industry
        limitless possibilities of business   She had spent her teenage years at   turally and nature-wise. It was in   connections and raise money
        and entrepreneurship. I can think   the Robert College of Istanbul, a   Ithaca that I realized that the great   from venture capitalists. So, my
        of nothing more meaningful than   157-year-old independent Amer-  outdoors is my truly happy place.”  involvement quickly evolved from
        to offer my time and efforts to   ican high school in Turkey. It re-  After graduation, Pelin started   serving as an advisor to stepping
        help shape the future leaders of   mains the oldest American school   out as an engineer and then   in as the new CEO when the new
        tomorrow.                  still in existence in its original   quickly moved into product man-  VCs and the founding investors
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