Page 25 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 25

Women of Distinction

        CBD research and education to   sufficient efficacy research, creates   uses, hemp cultivation was legal-  was genuinely honored when they
        improve public health and safety.  a real public health issue.”   ized again with the 2018 Farm   asked me to become a Trustee.
           Although it was an entirely   After hearing these scary facts,   Bill. The new law defines hemp as   Being part of the amazing UCSD
        different field for Pelin – one   I had to ask Pelin what our readers   cannabis strains containing less   community is one of the most
        she didn’t have a formal educa-  should do when trying to select   than 0.3% THC (a psychoactive   rewarding experiences of my life,’.
        tion in - she found that she was   a CBD product to assure they are   compound). Due to decades of   Pelin serves on the Foun-
        approaching it with the same   in fact receiving what they are   prohibition, much of the hemp   dation’s Donor Relations and
        kind of thinking that served her   paying for.         used for the CBD products in this   Stewardship Committee, Inno-
        so well earlier in her career. The   “Given current lack of FDA   country is imported, primarily   vation and Entrepreneurship
        foundation’s efforts to drive some   regulation, one of the best ways   from China and Eastern Europe,   Council and recently joined the
        of the most groundbreaking   to determine the quality of a CBD   and unfortunately their cultivation   Executive Board of the UC San
        research studies also gave her the   product is inquiring about their   standards have been lower than   Diego Basement, a campus-wide
        opportunity to work with and   certificates of analysis (COA).   in our country. The key issue is   incubator and startup hub that
        learn from incredible doctors,   If a company has a COA from a   that hemp is a bio-aggregator,   runs innovation and entrepreneur-
        researchers, and scientists across   certified third-party lab that has   which means it extracts whatever   ship programming. “As Chancellor
        the nation. “We leverage analytical                                               Pradeep Khostla put it during one
        thinking and a multidisciplinary                                                  of our conversations, entrepre-
        approach, spanning clinical, basic                                                neurship is at the very heart and
        science, genetic, neuroscience and                                                soul of UCSD - and it shows!
        advanced imaging techniques for                                                   The inspiring track record of the
        a comprehensive and systematic                                                    number of companies started
        exploration of the CBD mecha-                                                     across numerous disciplines, their
        nism of action across a multitude                                                 success rates over time, number of
        of conditions. Interestingly, the                                                 patents filed (and granted) all add
        multidisciplinary data collection is                                              up to make our young institution
        very reminiscent of my tech days,                                                 one of the nation’s top entrepre-
        and I am hopeful that the insights                                                neurial hubs, in the same league
        gained will lead to more of a                                                     as leaders like MIT and Stanford.
        personalized, precision medicine                                                  Since I view the world through a
        approach to cannabis and CBD                                                      very similar entrepreneurial lens,
        treatments.”                                                                      the opportunity to further enhance
           Gallup polls and other nation-                                                 such impactful programs greatly
        al surveys indicate that about 15%                                                adds to my sense of purpose.”
        or more of the population may                                                        Advocacy for entrepreneur-
        be using CBD, which translates                                                    ship education and mentorship
        to millions of users in America.   been licensed to conduct such   is in the soil where it is grown.   has become a key part of Pelin’s
        As of late, CBD appears to be   analysis, and they publish those   If the soil is polluted with heavy   mission. Even prior to her involve-
        popping up in many consumer   results, then you should feel more   metals, etc., those compounds will   ment with UCSD, she had been
        products, from skin products   confident that the product does   actually show up in the plant and   serving as an Entrepreneur-in
        and tinctures to lipstick. So, I   indeed contain the stated amounts   ultimately in the CBD product.   Residence and a guest lecturer for
        was happy to hear that Pelin’s   of CBD and other cannabinoids,   This is clearly something we want   her alma mater Cornell for nearly
        nonprofit, Wholistic Research   and no other harmful compounds.   to avoid. So, it is critical to know   ten years. “I am a sincere believer
        and Education Foundation, is also   Also, look at the date stamp on the   what kind of soil the hemp used in   that the creativity, passion and
        very much focused on demystify-  COA to ensure it is relatively cur-  your CBD product grows in.”  optimism of an entrepreneur is
        ing CBD and separating fact from   rent. CBD manufacturers should   About a year ago, Pelin was   what fuels innovation and mean-
        fiction with their evidence-based   be conducting what’s called batch   asked to join the board of trustees   ingful progress. I love connecting
        education and advocacy efforts.   testing, so each time they produce   of the UC San Diego Foundation,   with young entrepreneurs, hearing
        “There are clearly major gaps in   a new batch of product, they   a nonprofit corporation dedicated   about their vision and openly
        research around both the safety   should have them tested again.”  to maintaining and enhancing the   sharing my own experiences with
        and efficacy of these products as   One of the interesting things I   margin of excellence at UCSD.   the hope of making it just a little
        well as a lack of understanding   learned during my time with Pelin   Pelin says she was thrilled to   bit easier for them to achieve their
        on how they work. We still need   was that the quality and efficacy   bring her experiences from her   own dreams. I also believe in giv-
        more data on dose, frequency,   of CBD is very much based on   entrepreneurial career as well as   ing back. I know I’ve been fortu-
        timing of use and delivery meth-  the quality of the hemp that it is   her more recent foray into the   nate. I mean, my college scholar-
        ods most associated with ther-  derived from. “Hemp was already   nonprofit world to an institution   ships were a precious gift without
        apeutic benefit for different condi-  being cultivated by Native Amer-  that is obviously making great   which I could not have come from
        tions. Another issue is the lack of   icans well before the pioneers   strides in positively impacting not   Istanbul to study at one of the best
        industry regulation and oversight   arrived. And it became one of the   just San Diego, but all of Califor-  schools in the world. And I had
        for CBD products, which has   first crops to be adopted by the   nia. “My involvement with UCSD   incredible mentors throughout my
        led to systemic quality control   early settlers in the 17th century as   initially started with the first-of-its   career who believed and invested
        issues. Recent independent testing   it could be grown for food, oil and   kind ‘CBD Efficacy for Autism’   in me. So, it’s now my turn to give
        has even highlighted some CBD   fiber. Things changed when hemp   study we funded at UCSD’s Center   freely to drive impact, serve as a
        products do not actually contain   became illegal in 1970, when the   for Medicinal Cannabis Research.   role model and try to help others
        any CBD or they may be contam-  U.S. government passed the Con-  UCSD is broadly regarded as   in unexpected ways. Mahatma
        inated with pesticides and heavy   trolled Substances Act to regulate   one of the best research univer-  Gandhi famously said, ‘Be the
        metals. Basically, you cannot al-  all cannabis, including industrial   sities nationwide. Its culture of   change you want to see in the
        ways believe what you read on the   hemp. Due to the recent explosion   excellence and innovation, as well   world’; at the end of the day, I try
        label, and the prevalence of such   of hemp-derived CBD products   as the researchers’ collaborative   to live true to those very powerful
        mislabeling, along with the lack of   and its great many other industrial   spirit, have truly blown me away. I   words.”
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