Page 29 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 29
Women of Distinction
are trained in medicine and not and labiaplasty. She acknowl- be one consideration. Also try make an appointment to see
business while attending medi- edges that women come to to consider what your average Dr. Katerina Gallus. We are
cal school. Luckily for Dr. Gal- her because they feel that they day is going to look like - not so proud to have her as one of
lus she is savvy in both areas. can ask intimate questions, in what your best day is going our Women of Distinction and
She actually serves as a visiting a safe space as well as provide to look like - and consider would also like to thank her
professor for the American the expertise they require. whether that aligns with what for her years of service to our
Society of Plastic Surgeons and I asked Dr. Gallus if she you can see yourself doing. It’s country. If not for smart talent-
presents a program called “How would suggest that our readers often hard as a medical student ed and dedicated members of
to Start a Private Practice” wanting to go into the medical to sort this out – separate the the military, we would not be
which gives her the opportunity field might consider finding teams you work with and the able to have the many free-
to share her business acumen a path through the military. exciting aspects of certain doms we enjoy every day.
with other doctors about to “If you aren’t sure what area fields of medicine with the
enter into their own practices. of medicine you would like to reality that is the every-day Website
“After I present on this topic, select, being in the military experience. Seeking out men-
I am often contacted by these allows you to test out various tors is a great way to sound out
graduating doctors who have specialties.” some of these dilemmas.” Social Media
many questions on how to be So how does a physician Dr. Gallus’ husband is a Instagram:
successful running a medical decide what specialty they general surgeon who retired @RestoreSDPlasticSurgery
practice. I am so happy to be want to select? “Deciding on from the Navy as a Captain,
Photos by CeCe Canton types of plastic surgery, but population you would most civilian. She met her husband Facebook:
and currently works at the
your specialty has to do a little
able to help them through the
bit with knowing the patient
Naval Medical Center as a
Dr. Gallus performs all
like to treat and deciding what
@RestoreSD Plastic Surgery
in medical school, and they
have been inseparable ever
one area she is renowned for
your ideal patient would look
is breast surgery. “I would say
like. As a woman, and as a
since. They have three beauti-
breast surgery is my favorite
oldest at 13, Gabriella is 12 and
with women who make up
area of surgery. This includes
Kat Gallus
breast enhancement surgery physician, I enjoy interacting ful daughters, Isabella is their Linked In:
their youngest, Julianna is 8.
about 80% of plastic surgery
which can be anything from patients. Other fields spend If you are looking for a
breast augmentation with im- time with a different patient plastic surgeon who listens to gallus-8808a62b/
plants or fat transfer, a breast demographic. So, this should your needs and desires, then
lift, or breast reduction.
Many women come in
with a specific set of goals and
it may include breast implant
removal or revision surgery. My
area of expertise comes in here
– there are many options for
surgery and collaborating with
the patient to create a surgical
plan that meets their goals is so
rewarding. Breast surgery can
make a huge impact - wom-
en often come into my office
feeling bad about some aspect
of their body – maybe implants
no longer fit their lifestyle or
they have had kids and want
to restore their breasts to
pre-pregnancy shape and vol-
ume - and after the procedure
is done, they suddenly have a
renewed confidence. Being able
to do this for my patients really
makes me feel good.”
Dr. Gallus also offers and
performs vaginal rejuvenation