Page 34 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 34

Women of Distinction

                                                                                          so she parted ways and moved
                                                                                          on to another position.
               Shawnnah                                                                   industry for a year and a half at
                                                                                             “I ended up in the defense
                                                                                          Rockwell Collins. I basically did
                                                                                          the same type of work but in a
               Monterrey                                                                  different industry, and it was the
                                                                                          first time I was not hands on. In
                                                                                          my previous role I used to still
                                                                                          program and was very involved
                                                                                          in designing the technology.
           Breaking Ground and                                                            This was the first time that I had
                                                                                          to manage a large team of 50
          Reaching New Heights                                                            people and was in a complete
                                                                                          hands-off position.
                                                                                             This taught Shawnnah some
                                                                                          important skills, including the
                    By Judith A. Habert                                                   importance of communication
                                                                                          and being able to trust those
                                                                                          you lead. A tempting job offer
                                                                                          came next for Shawnnah and
                                                                                          she went to work for Covidien,
                                                                                          which was acquired by Medtron-
         AM OFTEN AMAZED BY THE    her daughter. During her last   learning detection algorithm   ic Minimally Invasive Therapies. “I
       I determination and drive that   year of college, her second   embedded inside!”   worked on portable and critical
        I see from so many women   daughter Jazmine was born.    This was a perfect start to a ca-  care ventilators in the very
        whom I interview, but I suppose   With all of these responsibilities   reer that even surpassed Shawn-  important position of making
        that might have something to   on her shoulders, she man-  nah’s own original career goals.   sure all of our products met the
        do with the fact that they have   aged to obtain her Bachelor of   Having started her college studies   highest level of FDA standards.”
        been nominated as “Women of   Science degree in computer   in the biomedical field, and then   When Shawnnah first started
        Distinction.” Shawnnah Mon-  science.                  switching to computer science,   with this company, they had a
        terrey is a fitting example of a   Shawnnah went right into   this first position incorporated ev-  class one recall for their flagship
        woman who set forth on a path   her first job upon graduation,   erything she loved. She flourished   ventilators. “My position came
        and never looked back. “I started   “My first job was working for a   in her position and after just three   with a lot of responsibility, to the
        working at 15 ½ and have never   company called Laser Diag-  years she was leading a team of   company, to the patients, and
        stopped. I first started working   nostic Technologies. They were   engineers, most of whom were on   to the government regulators to
        at Burger King and I was always   building diagnostic instruments   average 2.5 times her age. While   assure that our products worked
        dedicated to everything I did.   for Glaucoma detection. So,   there, Carl Zeiss Meditec acquired   flawlessly and performed their
        As a result, I advanced quickly in   I jumped headfirst into the   the company, but she remained   lifesaving ability while endan-
        every job I held, and was always   technology and regulatory   with them another 5 years   gering no one.”
        quickly moved into management   space. These devices, at the time   through the transition. She had a   When Shawnnah was offered
        positions. So even at a young   in 2000, were groundbreak-  long and fruitful career spanning   a position with Invetech, she de-
        age, I had an acute sense of   ing devices that required FDA   a decade working at the company   cided it would be a good change
        responsibility.”           clearance. These products had   she started with straight out of   for her to get more involved with
           Shawnnah’s experiences   true artificial intelligence (AI)   college.          life sciences and lab automation
        with minimum wage part-time   using algorithms for detecting   It was at this point that   and soon found herself working
        positions really motivated her   Glaucoma. They were the first   there was a relocation of her   back in medical device software
        to go to college, because she   of its kind to get cleared by the   company to Northern California,   development. “Invetech does
        realized that without a college   FDA. This was the first medi-  but Shawnnah, a diehard San   both software development and
        degree it would be unlikely that   cal product that I worked on,   Diegan, did not want to leave her   medical device development.
        she would advance into the   and it actually was built with a   family and uproot her children,   It is a consulting company that
        position to which she aspired.                                                    builds medical devices products
        Shawnnah attended UCSD and                                                        for other companies. They have
        majored in biomedical engi-                                                       large accounts that we would
        neering, but after investigating                                                  work on, and I built up the
        trending job opportunities                                                        technical project management
        switched over to computer                                                         side of the business and was
        science. During her second year                                                   also responsible for the software
        of college she became pregnant                                                    engineers in the San Diego site.
        with her first daughter Marissa,                                                  I was also responsible for going
        but that did not deter her. She                                                   on roadshows with our business
        continued attending college,                                                      development team and the
        working part time, and raising                                                    program managers to help sell
                                                      Photos Courtesy of Shawnnah Monterrey
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