Page 39 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 39
Women of Distinction
tance to the real struggles with you kidding?’ It led to receiv- “In that same year I was
my mental health was crucial ing a full scholarship for the faced with an advanced stage
to me overcoming that battle. international LL.M. program melanoma diagnosis.” Whitney
I encourage others, especially administered by Professor was just 28 when she received
youth, to not be ashamed and William H. Byrnes, IV, now an this news, and her older sister
speak up about these issues.” Executive Professor of Law at had already gone through her
Whitney attended the Texas A&M School of Law, and own battle with cancer, herself
University of Miami in Florida. someone who helped guide her a strong survivor already in
Albeit far from home, this end- career. This particular pro- remission. This devastating
ed up being a great move and gram was one of the pioneers news hit hard. A two-year
her strength and independence in virtual legal education, but battle would ensue, with
surfaced again. With no family with professors from all over multiple surgeries, followed
around, she had to stand on her the world who were leading in by a twelve-month treatment
own two feet and focus on her their fields and international program. At the end Whitney
schooling. “Miami is a melting tax and financial services, it had beat the cancer and was on
pot of people from all parts of was a tremendous educational the road to recovery. “Although
the world. I was able to expand experience.” this was an extremely challeng-
my horizons by learning to live While pursuing her LL.M, ing time, I have to admit that it
for experience and adventure, she solidified that she wanted was during this time in my life
and thereby gaining many to explore a career helping peo- that I gained so much mental
meaningful friendships.” ple understand and take charge clarity. Once I got healthy, I
When it came to law of their financial lives. You can had decided that a career move
school, Whitney ventured back do so many things with a law was in order. I knew what made
to Southern California where degree, not just the practice me happy in my professional race just for women, Whitney
she attended Thomas Jefferson of law. Sometimes in life, one life and what didn’t, and it was has a deeper appreciation for
School of Law. “At the time I course, one piece of informa- at this time that I realized that I the power and strength of the
was there, it was perfect for me. tion, or one professor can make wanted to work in a field where human body, mind and soul. “I
I wanted to pursue a career in an enormous difference in our I could use my background and think about my diagnosis every
art law. My ideal job at the time lives. “You know, one of my education to expand beyond time I cross the finish line.”
would have been to be general mentors at my last job had this just the law to take a more The next career move was a
counsel of the Getty museum. saying, and it was ‘grow where comprehensive look at financial leap into the financial ser-
When I attended Thomas Jeffer- you're planted’, a message I planning.” vices industry. Whitney got a
son, there was a growing clinic interpret now to mean just go It was this event that also position with Commonwealth
focused on art and entertain- with the flow, and if you work made Whitney take a step back Financial, a national indepen-
ment law. A clinic that I took with what you have it just may and focus more on self-care, dent broker dealer, and loved
part in. So, I had some pretty lead to something you never self-awareness, and her mental it. “Starting in my first role
unique opportunities. I had the expected.” and physical health. She started outside of private legal practice
tremendous honor to do edito- After graduating from both tapping into the power of pos- I felt so good, I was healthier
rial writing on an art-focused law school and her LL.M. with itivity and just how closely the than I had been in a long time
legal journal publication, and Magna cum Laude honors, mind and body work together. and I was going back to work
later worked on a documentary Whitney obtained a job in an “I went on this total transfor- and would be financially inde-
film about the American Mast- Orange County estate plan- mation of health – learning pendent again.”
odon, all while in law school. I ning law firm. “I stepped right more about food, our immune Commonwealth Financial
followed these passions all the into a role where I was trusted systems, and how everything in is a great company in terms
way to Florence, Italy, where I and respected by my mentor our environment impacts our of company culture and they
studied abroad for international and boss, and I was able to body. This led me to a number were extremely supportive
art law.” gain a tremendous amount of of new wellness practices that I of her and her career. In that
Although Whitney was on professional legal experience. still maintain today. After tak- role she was a consultant for
the track to use her law degree Whitney learned a lot in a very ing a deep dive into nutrition financial planners across the
in the area of art, sometimes all short amount of time, but she and fitness, I finished my first country, covering just about
it takes is one class to change decided she wanted to get back triathlon only eighteen months every topic in holistic finan-
your mind and your career to the San Diego community. after finishing treatment for cial planning. “I was able to
path. “My professor told me During this transition, she cancer. I came out of my cancer become an educator in a wide
that he believed I was a natural could not know that she had experience a lot stronger and range of subjects, and a subject
in this field and asked if I had another hurdle to overcome, more focused than what I went matter expert in estate plan-
ever considered being a tax at- perhaps the most challenging into it.” Now having complet- ning, which is very valuable to
torney? I laughed and said, ‘Are of them all. ed 7 triathlons, including one financial advisors.” Her time