Page 38 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 38
Women of Distinction
Whitney Drechsler, Esq., LL.M., CFP®
Vice President Wealth Planner
at U.S. Bank Private Wealth Management
By Judith A. Habert
Photos by Dawn Nicoli / Nicoli Productions
here is often one com- There was no indecision
mon factor when we on Whitney’s part when it
Tmeet women who make came to her career choice. As
a difference in this world. They early as age twelve she knew
grew up with a strong mother, a she wanted to be an attorney.
woman who they admire. After “My mom knew I would follow
talking to Whitney Drechsler, through as she always said that
it is obvious that she is one of I debated just about everything.
these women. The strength she My father also impacted my
learned from her mother has choices, as from the time I was
led her through some tremen- about eight he would embrace
dous challenges to ger her my constantly changing loyalty
where she is today. by getting me the sweatshirt for
Whitney was born in whatever school my heart was
Reno, Nevada, but moved to set on at the time. My parents
Orange County when she was always told me how important
just five. “I spent my entire ad- it was to get a good education
olescence in Southern Califor- and they both were influential
nia. It was a great place to be in my academic success. I feel
raised and I’m grateful for the as if I take on the best of them
experiences I had there. It was both.” In fact, Whitney’s father
a safe suburban community passed away last year, and
and there were lots of families, losing a parent has been an ex-
but Orange County is a unique perience that has been difficult
place so, it had its challenges for her to process.
as well.” Accomplishing her educa-
At the age of eight, her tion goals came into question
parents were divorced. Her while Whitney was in high
mother made it possible for turned out to be a lifetime means because of the events school. “I had a severe bout of
Whitney, and her sister, Court- injury, the three of them forged that had transpired. My mom depression in my senior year,
ney, to stay in their home, but a tight bond together. has always been a tremendous and this was a tough time for
another unforeseen event made “We became a unit, the role model, a rock of support in me, and probably even worse
life particularly difficult for three of us, and my grand- my life.” for my mom. I went from being
her family. In the same year, mother was also very involved As a result, Whitney, and a star student, to not wanting to
Whitney’s mom had sustained in my life at that time. All of her sister both became strong, get out of bed. She didn’t know
an injury that would prove to us knew that we were strong independent women. Albeit in how to help me at times. It was
be very severe. During her re- enough to make it through different ways, but they learned actually the threat from my
covery Whitney and her sister whatever life threw at us. So, in a lot from their mom. “In a high school that if I didn’t get
had to spend that summer in a way, it shaped exactly who I way, we took very different back on track, I wouldn’t grad-
Northern California with their am today because of my moth- paths, which we didn’t know at uate and go on to college. That
godparents. They returned to er's strength, resilience, and the time but it ultimately rallied ultimately helped nudge me
Orange County to their mom, unwavering dedication to her us together. We were always out of this depression. While
but she had a slow recovery. daughters. She made certain there for each other, no matter my goals are what drove me,
Now a single mom with what that we did not suffer by any what the challenge.” bringing awareness and accep-