Page 37 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 37
Women of Distinction
bring communities together, create jobs, spend on marketing?” “Who is my target are not profitable, and who need more
and advancements in technology and audience?” “Do I need a vision or mission hours in the day. I can fast track them
economic success, but are also the back- statement?”, “When do I hire people to to profitability and clarity by increasing
bone of this country. Unfortunately, they help me?” sales through business development,
also don’t know what they don’t’ know. I asked Andie what she would say strategic planning, marketing, utilizing
So being successful in the long-term is to someone who wanted to pursue a social media, SWOT analysis, and build-
either expensive or painfully difficult.” similar career path. Her answer: “I would ing their own unique vision. Aside from
Thus, a new business was created, Stra- suggest that they start out by getting a being a mother, the thing I am most pas-
tegic Solutions & Development Interna- job working for a management consul- sionate about in life is helping women
tional (SSD). tant, so they can learn the ins and outs of overcome their business challenges, with
SSD capitalized on Andie’s then 20 growing and developing new business- inspiration, support, mentorship, tools,
years of expertise in finance, accounting, es. It is tough to just jump into this field & resources. I want to help them reduce,
operations, management consulting, or even avoid, the many pitfalls and
marketing, and plain old hard work. “In a challenges that I had to overcome in my
nutshell I help women business owners business. My dream is to significantly de-
create a roadmap to profitable growth crease the statistic of failed businesses.”
so they can have clarity, feel sure, and be Andie has plans for the near future
confident about making future business to help provide valuable information
& financial decisions effortlessly. This can to new business owners or aspirational
be from overall and overarching areas of entrepreneurs, even though she also
business development, to strategic and now has an active 6-year-old son. “While
tactical solutions, to streamline pro- my personal Instagram account is all
cesses. Or it can be tactical and specific motivation, inspiration, and mindset, I
such as sales strategies, pricing meth- will be starting a daily Instagram Live
odologies, and strategic cost reduction. Q&A in June for business owners to
Ultimately, I want to get them “unstuck”. ask questions live and get some feed-
What sets Andie apart is that she back. I’m also starting a charity to offer
cares about the people she works with. support to small businesses hurt by the
“It’s not just about making a buck. It’s COVID-19 pandemic. And I’m building
about being there for them in all areas of out my Pinterest and YouTube plat-
their life, not just their business. Every- forms this year, to share free valuable
one needs help. Sometimes it’s helping content for business owners across all
them with their elevator pitch, clarity platforms. My purpose is to help people
on their vision, or more effective net- lead stronger, financial healthier, and
working strategies. Other times it can be long-lasting businesses. To that end, I
as simple as giving a hug and words of am also launching my first 6-week online
encouragement. Sometimes it’s a referral group course in June, called “Create your
to a trustworthy attorney or a hospice roadmap to profitable growth in 45 days”
care facility. Sometimes it’s showing up and launching my first 6-month group
to a child’s soccer game, because one of out of college without first working for bootcamp for women business owners,
their parents couldn’t make it.” an established consulting firm to gain which is an addition to my current 1-on-
I asked Andie who her ideal client knowledge and experience.” 1 consulting services. When I wake up
was. “My passion is with startups and What is it that makes Andie success- every morning, I ask God to bring people
businesses that haven't been opened ful at what she does? After overcoming into my life who I can be a blessing to.
very long because those people need so much adversity in her own life, she is Whose prayers can I answer today with
the most help. They don't know who to determined to help others and to make the strengths that I have learned and
trust. They don't know who to talk to. a positive difference in the world. “I help earned? Who will it be today?”This is a
They don't know what to ask. They just women-owned small business owners woman who deeply cares and wants to
know that they need help or some- who don't make enough money, who make a difference in the world.
thing is not working.” What Andie often
finds is that most of her clients get into For more information or to find out how Andie can support you, go to:
business because they are passionate email:
about what they do, but often they have LinkedIn:
no idea how to turn their passion into a Instagram: andie.monet_ssd
functional and profitable business. This is Youtube video:
where Andie steps in. She will help with Pinterest: andiemonet_ssd
decisions such as, “How much should I FB: andie.monet.ssd