Page 40 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 40

Women of Distinction

        there led to some tremendous   Because Whitney is a   weather the difficult storms   Having been guided by
        career accomplishments,    financial pro, I asked what   that life can bring our way.   strong women her whole life,
        including public speaking   information she could share   Unfortunately, financial literacy  Whitney now advocates for
        engagements at national and   with us.                is not something most of us are   strength in all women.  “I
        regional conferences, complet-  “One part of my job that I   taught in grade school, so it is   have a passion for working to
        ing her CERTIFIED FINAN-   am passionate about is teach-  important to gain that knowl-  empower women in the work-
        CIAL PLANNER™ designation,   ing women the importance   edge throughout our lives.    place.” In pursuit of this pas-
        and making a cultural impact   of being an active participant   Then at the top of the pyramid   sion, she became part of a team
        with her colleagues and her   in their financial life.  I have   is your overall financial plan.    that expanded a program at her
        community.                 seen too many women faced   Think about the next five, ten,   former company, known as the
           Commonwealth’s dedica-  with a divorce or the untimely   fifteen years and how you can   Women’s Leadership Network.
        tion to service allowed her to   death of a loved one, and they   position yourself comfortably   “In this group, our mission was
        pursue her philanthropic drive   have no idea of their financial   and successfully. Remember   to inspire, empower and sup-
        in her local community. “I                                                        port women in the workplace.
        have stayed actively involved in                                                  By encouraging open dialogue
        community service in various                                                      about important and relevant
        capacities, including reading                                                     issues, we hoped for women to
        to elementary school children,                                                    pursue advancements in their
        many of whom suffer financial                                                     careers and their own financial
        hardship, raising money and                                                       successes.” Whitney will be
        supplies for a homeless veter-                                                    carrying these efforts forward
        an’s association, and serving                                                     to her new company, where the
        meals to San Diego’s seniors                                                      principals of diversity and in-
        in need of assistance. As a                                                       clusion are woven through the
        member of the Giving Back                                                         fabric of the company culture.
        Committee, she helped spear-                                                         I asked Whitney what
        head various charitable events                                                    suggestions she would give to
        and volunteer opportunities                                                       young women when they are
        throughout San Diego.                                                             starting out on their own.
           Although Whitney loved                                                            “I think number one for
        her position at Commonwealth                                                      me, and something I constant-
        Financial, she recently left to                                                   ly remind myself to this day,
        join U.S. Bank, N.A., in the                                                      is don't let the fear of failure
        Private Wealth Management                                                         hinder you. I have been stuck
        division. In her new role she is                                                  in inaction more times than I
        able to work with individuals                                                     can count because of my fear
        and businesses to provide com-                                                    of the outcome, my fear of
        prehensive financial planning,                                                    the unknown, and the things
        helping clients achieve their   health. Whether you are single   also that success looks a lot   I could not control. A pattern
        wealth goals and plan for a   or married, take a strong role in   different for each person. I   would form of this cycle of
        successful future for themselves   your personal finances and your  encourage clients to define real-  negative self-talk about how I
        and their families. “I like this   long-term financial wellness.”  istic financial goals and work   could not do it, or that I wasn’t
        work because I really wanted   Whitney suggests the   hard to accomplish those goals.   capable or good enough for the
        to get back into the complexi-  following when considering   At the end of the day we should  task at hand.  This, I believe, is
        ties of wealth management by   a client’s financial health.    all advocate for ourselves and   common in human nature so
        engaging in client-facing work.   “Consider your financial life   be confident enough to know   I want to shift the perspective
        I thrive on the intricacy which   as a pyramid.  At the very base   that the financial decisions we   so that we constantly remind
        allows my brain to really work   of the pyramid is your per-  are making are the right ones   ourselves to trust the path
        so this is a great fit. Importantly,  sonal budget, basically income   for ourselves. The best way to   we’re on, be present, and keep
        this role also has a huge focus   and expenses. Knowing and   do that is by staying as in-  positivity at the forefront of
        on community involvement   understanding one’s individual   formed as possible.”  our thoughts.
        and philanthropy. “My new   spending patterns and habits is
        role opens the door for a lot of   an important foundation.  Next   For more information please visit:
        opportunity to give back and   up the pyramid would be sav-
        work with nonprofit organiza-  ings and investments. Building
        tions in a variety of ways, which   up savings can be challenging,   change-after-a-divorce
        is extremely important to me.”   but necessary to be able to

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