Page 41 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 41

Women of Distinction

            Kristine Daugherty,

               PA-C, MPAS, MIM, MBA

              Physician Assistant and Clinical Consultant

                               By Judith A. Habert

           Kristine Daugherty knew    Her original area of inter-  ing mobility after a
        from an early age that she  est led her to consider attend-  musculoskeletal
        was destined to go into the  ing medical school to become  injury, improv-
        medical field.  She had a giv-  a surgeon. However, while in  ing chronic pain,
        ing heart and helped to take  school Kristine realized that  eliminating the
        care of her great grandmother  this  career  path  would  not  need for medica-
        when she was just a young  satisfy her need to help her  tions due to lifestyle
        girl.  What sealed the deal for  patients on a long-term basis,  changes, or support-
        Kristine was the changes she  “Since a surgeon only sees pa-  ing them with chronic
        saw.  “I saw a marked differ-  tients for a few appointments,  diseases such as diabe-
        ence in my great grandmother  before and after surgery,  I  tes. I am very passionate
        when she was given the care  soon realized that being a sur-  about educating patients
        she needed.  I was fascinated  geon was not the right path  on nutrition, complemen-
        with some of the differences  for me.  What  gives me the  tary and alternative med-
        I saw in her health and loved  most satisfaction is having a  icine, and the mind-body   Photo by Margot Duane
        seeing her quality of life im-  long-term relationship where  connection. I use a variety of
        prove right in front of my  I could work with a patient on  tools such as supplements,  can  workout  and  enjoy  ac-
        eyes.  Sometimes it was from  an ongoing basis and help to  light  therapy, mindfulness  tivity they could not before.
        a simple medication change  improve their quality of life.”  practices, peptides, and much  I have had patients who were
        or the coordination of care   When it came time to con-  more to support patients with  battling depression and after
        she received from different  sider her postgraduate study,  chronic medical conditions,  teaching them mindfulness
        specialists. I knew that I was  she pursued her PA. C, which  nutrient deficiencies, anxiety,  and  breathing  techniques,
        destined to have a career in  is a course of study that leads  depression, insomnia, gut  they  realize  that  they  can
        medicine after volunteering at  to a Physician Assistant desig-  issues, and other health con-  control their moods without
        a skilled nursing facility when  nation.  The C is for a PA who is  cerns.        utilizing traditional medica-
        I was 12 years old. I will always  certified by the National Com-  “It is so amazing and ful-  tion.”
        treasure  this  experience  as  it  mission of Certification of PAs.   filling for me to have my   Kristine is one of the most
        was so rewarding to establish  Kristine soon found out that  patients come back for a fol-  knowledgeable medical pro-
        meaningful relationships with  she  made  the  right  decision.   low-up  visit and  have  them  fessions that I have spoken to
        the residents and to support  Today she works with patients  tell me how much better they  over the years and she does
        them with day to day activi-  in a wide variety of areas. “I re-  are feeling.   They are often  not take her job lightly.  From
        ties. As a senior in high school,  ally am passionate about uti-  amazed that their sleep pat-  our interview it was easy
        I was granted several scholar-  lizing different therapies that  terns have improved.   They  to see that much time  and
        ships to study advertising and  allow the body to heal itself.”   have renewed energy and  thought have gone into her
        marketing in college, so I ulti-  I asked Kristine what her  are possessing less anxiety.  acquiring such a wide range
        mately decided to complete  favorite part of her job  was.  Many of my patients feel as  of knowledge in so many dif-
        my undergraduate degree in  “I truly love hearing success  if  they  have a  new  lease  on  ferent specialties.
        business.  I chose to take ad-  stories from my patients and  life  and can  suddenly  enjoy   “I practice in regenerative
        vantage of my scholarships  supporting them in achieving  simple things like picking up  medicine,  integrative  medi-
        and planned to go back and  their health/wellness goals.  their grandchildren.   When  cine, and functional medicine.
        later in life to pursue a career  This can vary from achieving  they reach weight loss goals,  I work at getting to the root
        in medicine.”              weight loss goals, increas-  they suddenly find that they  cause of why my patients are

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