Page 46 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 46
Women of Distinction
everything fits together and help pany and helping resolve them. President North America Cloud,
customers take advantage of all the I would say I spend a lot of time Customer Experience. The other
things that their relationship with telling stories and fixing problems. reason Anasuya loves her job are
Oracle can offer.” Anasuya likes the fact that her job the people she works with. “I really
A huge part of Anasuya’s life is unique from day to day, having think it makes the job so much
outside of Oracle is spent with her no idea who the next customer will better when you have a great team
amazing 10-year-old son, Alex. be or what issues they may need to work with. We call each other
“He's awesome, so much fun, resolved. our work family. I work with some
interesting and funny and he keeps “I was meeting with one of truly incredible people.”
me challenged every day. At a time my super awesome customers, I asked Anasuya to share her
in history when things are so crazy, Rotary International, one of the insight as to how someone could
largest nonprofit organizations that get into a similar field. “I would
provides value in service all over say find people interesting to you
the world. And I met with their in the career industry or business
CTO who runs all their programs that you're interested in and get to
and all their service acts. It was so know them. My best advice would
interesting because they have so be expose yourself to as many
many members and in meeting facets of the business that interests
with them, I learned how they you and always look for opportu-
recruit, how they talk to their nities to say yes. Even if you end
members and serve up unique up in a section of a business that
and specific customized content to you don't think you have any inter-
their members. Subaru is another est in, be exposed to it. There are
unique client we are working with very few people who are general
as they continue to evolve their managers that understand how the
platform that runs their vehicle company works, how a company
automation. sells, how it supports and how
These are only a few of the it partners. Make it your goal to
thousands of clients who rely on learn every aspect of the company
Oracle and those who are available in which you want to work, so if
to answer any questions or con- an opportunity arises anywhere
cerns they might have. It's really within your dream company you
interesting to see how technol- are qualified for it.”
ogy truly can, and does, impact Anasuya’s last bit of advice was
I help him navigate the world people's lives and businesses. And the following, “I think that in ev-
and learn to see the world from that's what’s most interesting to ery job and in every career and in
an open-minded point of view Anasuya and the reason that she is every business, there's an opportu-
and perspective. With the current never bored. nity to have a human connection.
situation we're in right now, we Anasuya has spent the last six Even if you're in the technology
have no idea what this world will years with Oracle, not counting industry, there's an opportunity to
look like for our children. The only her earlier six years with them, make a difference and to make an
thing we can do is help them think and she has learned all aspects of impact. If making an impact mat-
critically and assess circumstances the company. Oracle's learning ters to you, there's a way to do that
and say, well, what if it wasn't this capabilities, selling capabilities, no matter what your job or career
way? What can I do?” product development and market- is. And that's what matters to me
Anasuya’s job includes a lot of ing capabilities. It's all the different is how do I make a difference in
one-on-one interaction with her ways that the company interacts my chosen career? How do I make
customers. There is often travel with their customers. “I'm lucky a difference with people and busi-
involved so she can meet with because I get to touch all those nesses that improve things?”
customers in need of personalized different facets, which is so much It is certainly easy to see that
help. “My typical day is telling the fun. I am so thankful to be a part Anasuya Morrill Strasner makes a
Oracle story, telling the Oracle of the wonderful team at Oracle difference in everything she does.
cloud story, intervening and triag- and knowing that everyday I am Thanks for your part in helping
ing customer problems and issues learning something new and I keep to make technology bring us all
within Oracle, across the com- growing in my position as Vice closer together.
For more information on Anasuya go to