Page 50 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 50


                                        Teen Entrepreneurs

                                                                 By Lily Smith

                               When I got the opportunity   part of my teen wellness series.   her business and how she can
                           to write for San Diego Woman   I held a 1.5 hour Zoom call with   best serve her target market.
                           Magazine, it didn’t take me long   about 30 teens around the U.S.   Swim By Sammi, based in New
                           to figure out what I wanted to   and a few that joined from inter-  York, specializes in empowering
                           write about. As a teen entrepre-  national locations! It was a great
                           neur myself, I thought it would   success connecting with other
                           be inspiring for readers to hear   teens and discussing how they
                           what my fellow entrepreneurs   are handling social distancing.”
                           are doing during this “new nor-  Since her first initial Zoom hang-
                           mal”. As we all know, entrepre-  out on April 4th, she recently
                           neurship is a constant journey of   hosted another wellness event on
                           figuring out how to fit moving   April 18th with about 30 attend-
                           pieces together, and this skill has   ees from San Diego, Austin, and
                           become even more necessary    New York City.
                           during this time, even for teen   But it doesn’t stop there.
                           entrepreneurs. They are asking   While Parikh has been pivoting
                           themselves the question, “what   her business virtually to meet the
                           next?” and answering it through   new needs of her fellow peers,
                           reaching out to their customers   another female entrepreneur,
                           and figuring out their new needs.  Sammi Stern, has been utilizing
                           Just like adult entrepreneurs. Yet,   this time to reflect and research
                           teens are doing all of this while
                           juggling school.
                                     The Pivot

                               One student, a local San
                           Diego teen, Karina Parikh, the
                           founder of Stick 2 You, which
                           aims to promote teen wellness
                           through self-care stickers has
                           been challenged by the current
                           global state. Yet, the challenge is
                           what entrepreneurs thrive upon.
                           Parikh originally had plans to
                           host a teen wellness event in
                           her local community, but that
                           quickly became inaccessible.
                           Since then, Parikh has contin-
                           ued developing her enterprise,
                           but not in a typical way. “...With   Photos Courtesy of Lily Smith
                           the Covid-19 pandemic and
                           the stay-at-home order, I have
                           pivoted my teen wellness event
                           into a virtual teen wellness series.
                           Last weekend, I hosted the first

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