Page 53 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 53

WHA T  I  REALL Y   W ANT  IS . . . . .
           Music to Speak To Me

        By Debbie Storms

           Music will give you   stress levels of the
        an emotional boost.   hormone cortisol
        Now, that’s music to my   in your body, which
        ears. Giving yourself   research has shown
        fifteen minutes of   will counteract the ef-
        certain tunes will create   fects of chronic stress.
        a natural high that   An important finding
        increases feelings of   researchers discovered
        happiness, excitement   is that stress contributes
        and joy when you listen   to a significant number   mood
        to music you like. Your   of health issues. Music   while driving,
        body will take care of   enhances our wellbeing.  which can improve your
        itself if you feed it the   Tune out and tune   state of mind. I’ll turn
        right music. Music has   in to a good night’s   on the tunes in my car
        a direct effect on your   sleep. Yes! Music is   if it will help reduce my
        hormones; it can be   a natural cure all,   frustration in traffic.
        considered a natural an-  happiness while you   Increasing your feel-
        tidepressant. Now, that   are awake and while   ings of happiness and
        is music to my ears, my   you sleep you get a   getting an emotional
        mind, body and soul.  good night’s rest. A   boost is only a few
           There are many   study showed listening   songs away. Music gives
        positive effects of lis-  to relaxing or classical   you the joy in your
        tening to music. Here is   music before going to
        an opportunity to learn   bed significantly
        about yourself and pay   improves your
        attention to how you   sleep. Based on
        react to different forms   that information,
        of music and pick the   it makes good
        kind that works for you.   sense to tune in
        What helps one person   on some relaxing
        concentrate might be   music and sound off
        distracting to someone   insomnia. Music will
        else, and what makes   help wash away your
        one person unwind   cares and woes, a form
        might make another   of cleansing your soul of
        person jumpy. Tune   everyday life.
        into yourself. Creativity   Is it true that music   life
        plays an important part   can even help you eat   that you
        in forcing the brain   less? A university re-  deserve.
        to understand new   search team showed that   For maximum
        sounds. Reach for new   softening the lighting   benefits on a
        and familiar songs and   and listening to music   stressful day, turn on
        pay attention to how   while people ate led   some music and sing
        your body reacts. It has   them to consume fewer   along. Don’t be shy!  “He who sings scares away his woes,”
        been said that listening   calories and enjoy their   The power of music                 - Miguel de Cervantes
        to music we like causes   meals more. That certain-  benefits our overall
        our brains to release a   ly sounds like a perfect   well-being and is so   “One good thing about music, when it hits you,
        neurotransmitter, do-  duet to reduce calories.  important in our lives
        pamine, the “feel-good”   A study in the   that humans cannot live   you feel no pain,”         - Bob Marley
        chemical in our bodies.  Netherlands found that   without it. Embrace the
           Listening to music   listening to music can   music that is around
        you enjoy reduces your   positively impact your   you every day.    “Where words fail, music speaks.”
                                                                                             - Hans Christian Andersen
           What I really want is to use music to improve my well-being.
           Let me know what you really want.
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