Page 55 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 55
Fabulous Finds
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do not design their clothing on typical Trapper’s ability to outlast the competition Boost Oxygen is for non-medical use
mannequins instead they build clothes becomes obvious. and can be obtained without a prescrip-
around the build of both sisters, so wheth- If you are a meat eater and want to do tion. It was founded in 2007 and has been
er you are around 5’10” or closer to 6’4” the so in a healthy, positive way, visit their site used for respiratory support ever since. I
proportions will work for you. at and order your personally suffer from Migraines due to
What makes Amalli Talli even better is favorites. permanent and constant tinnitus, and I
the beauty of the material and a multitude have found that the severity of pain de-
of styles. Check them out today at www. 4. Boost Oxygen creased when using Boost Oxygen. This is When I heard about this product, I was a product that is helpful to so many people
amazed and when I had the opportunity to for so many different reasons. Whether it
3. Old Trapper Smoked Products try it I was thrilled. It does exactly what the is used by a professional athlete during a
With a lot of us working from home, we website and videos claim. Boost Oxygen is hockey, football, or soccer game or by a
find ourselves snacking a lot. There is a way 95% Pure Aviator Grade Oxygen, which is senior citizen who many need an added
to do so without added pounds creep- filled under pressure into affordable and boost while taking long walks to improve
ing up on us. Old Trapper meat snacks convenient handheld cannisters. their overall health, this is a product
can deliver solid nutrition with each bite, What does being able to get a blast of that everyone should try. The extremely
making them the perfect healthy snack Oxygen anytime you need one do for the affordable price makes it a must have. Go
to add to your packing list. Old Trapper user? Whether you are an athlete, profes- to and order yours
Smoked Products are handcrafted from the sional or amateur, lead an active lifestyle, today.
most savory and highest-quality protein. travel to places with high elevations, or
The end result is a take-anywhere healthy simply get winded while climbing stairs 5. Ecomended
snack that is low in calories yet high in Boost Oxygen can be a helpful item to Everyday products for sustainable living
protein - the perfect fuel or recovery snack! always have on hand. It comes in natural At San Diego Woman Magazine we all
Each 1 oz serving contains only 70 calories, scent or aromatherapy scents including love things of beauty, but when they are
0 grams of fat and 6 grams of carbs. Peppermint, Pink Grapefruit, or Men- also products that are friendly to the envi-
When the bag was passed around to thol-Eucalyptus, all of which are available ronment, we can’t help but want to share
our staff, it disappeared in no time. They in a variety of sizes, even a travel size which them with our readers.
loved the rich flavor and low calories in will easily fit in your purse. Ecomended is a great company with
each stick. Their famous Old fashioned It is safe for all ages and can ward off a website that contains a variety of items.
beef jerky was born 50 years ago in the shortness of breath, headaches, dizzi- All of which are good for our environment.
back of a small roadside grocery store on ness, and nausea. It is also known to help They showcase a wide assortment of
the outskirts of Tillamook, Oregon. The migraines, which are often a side effect of eco-friendly bags, handbags, wallets and
ingredients behind the company’s 50 years poor air quality. Boost Oxygen promotes accessories made from the finest vegan
of success are as short as its actual ingre- energy, better mental acuity, and helps to leather substitutes.
dient list: lean high-quality meat, quality boost the immune system. It is also a quick This was the first time I came across
seasonings, real wood-fired smoke and a fix if you have had a few drinks too many products made by hand from Teak leaves
hands-on manufacturing process. Couple and are suffering from the symptoms of a or Tamarind cork. These sustainable vegan
that with an affordable price point and Old hangover. materials are renewable resources and the