Page 58 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 58

Fabulous Finds


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        11. Frenchie Hydration                 The Wine Nook allows you to replace   and clear your system for fast, long-lasting
           If you are looking for the perfect   the box with a very cool cannister in which   urinary track support and relief of those
        hydration drink look no further. Frenchie   you can house your boxed wine. It comes   annoying symptoms. As women we know
        Hydration contains all of the elements   in a variety of colors and designs, to fit   how easily you can come down with a UTI
        required by the WHO for an Oral Rehydra-  your decor and your tastes. You can even   and knowing you have this solution on
        tion Solution. It contains optimal amounts   have them personalized to add an even   hand is important.
        of potassium, glucose, and sodium to   warmer touch to the newest addition to   Just take two pills once a day with a
        ensure maximum rapid hydration. This   your kitchen or dining room. Such sayings   meal and 8 ounces of water and before
        isotonic beverage has the optimal ratio of   as “Don’t Cry Wine” and “Mommy Juice” can   you know it that discomfort is a thing of
        ingredients ensuring rapid osmotic pull of   be added, or you can even add your very   the past. They are 100% vegetarian easy to
        electrolytes into their cells. In plain English,   own sentiment.        swallow soft capsules with no fillers, bind-
        this is a great product that will replace   The Wine Nook comes in a variety of   ers, artificial ingredients, gluten, wheat, or
        what we lose when we work out and will   colors and styles so you can match your   dairy. Everyone needs to keep a bottle on
        do so effectively and efficiently.  Nook to your color scheme or even your   hand. To order yours go to
           Frenchie is citrus flavored, with no ar-  mood. Take the Wine Nook with you to
        tificial flavors, and has only 15 calories per   the beach or a party and you will be a very   14. Sweet Vegan
        can with just 2g of sugar. Grab one on your   popular guest.               Who doesn’t love Chocolate? Let’s face
        way to the gym and you will be surprised   Chalk comes with the nook which   it, but we all know that not all chocolate
        how quickly you recover from that strenu-  allows you to label the chalkboard on the   is created equal. The proof behind this is
        ous workout.                        front of the nook with the type of wine   when we had the opportunity to sample
           There is another great plus to this   contained within. When we used the nook   Sweet Vegan’s delicious dreamy bites.
        product. All the women in our office went   at one of our office parties, it was the cen-  The name is extremely apropos. They are
        crazy for the adorable Frenchie on the   ter of attention. Everyone thought it was   dreamy. What makes them even better
        can. The brand’s creator chose the name   such a cool idea. You will too! Visit their site   is that all Sweet Vegan’s chocolates are
        “Frenchie” after his two adorable Frenchies.   at and add this very   vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free,
        One of our editors is a Frenchie mommy,   cool and very useful new addition to your   they’re not just for vegans or those with
        and she was so excited when she saw the   next party.                    food allergies. They have eliminated every-
        can. I’m not sure if she drank it or used it as                          thing that gets in the way of experiencing
        a conversation piece in her apartment.  13. HARMONY                      the true flavor of chocolate and combine
           Frenchie Hydration Drink is available at   At some time most of us have suffered   real fruit and fresh ingredients. These                          with an uncomfortable urinary tract infec-  chocolates are for anyone who loves choc-
                                            tion. Short of having to go to your doctor   olate and make no mistake about it, our
        12. The Wine Nook                   there wasn’t much else you could do until   staff loves chocolate. They were devoured
           Let’s face it, we all like boxed wine,   now, Harmony Urinary Tract & Bladder   shortly after they arrived.
        but how many of you will admit it? Maybe   Cleanse is the answer to those times when   Sweet Vegan chocolates are for anyone
        you don’t like the way it looks when you   you need a solution.          who really loves chocolate. Besides making
        are serving it to guests? Now you can take   The ingredients are safe, all natural   the most exquisite chocolates you've ever
        that ordinary boxed wine and make it look   and include full-spectrum ingredients like   tasted, These delicious bites also provide
        super cool.                         D-Mannose and Hibiscus extract to clean   all the health benefits inherent in each

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