Page 63 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 63

Fabulous Finds

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        treatment at home, and as often as I want-  they have fewer problems after switching   The versatility of this massage gun is
        ed, without paying the costs of multiple   to Pixel eyeglasses.          unsurpassed you can choose for 7 different
        spa visits.                            We put Pixel Eyewear to the test and   massage heads and 9 intensity levels. The
           This kit includes a pore extraction   wore them throughout a normal work-  Sonic LX can be the answer for any kind
        tip, Pore Infusion Tip, 100 filters, a clean-  day, which was close to 15 hours on the   of pain whether it is an injury or muscle
        ing brush, carrying case Interactive LCD   computer, and found the results amazing.   group.
        Screen and a 5X Magnifying. There are 3   The normal eye strain and headaches that   Those of us who tried out this marvel-
        programed treatment modes and 8 power   generally appeared at the end of the day   ous machine, were quick to admit that we
        levels. This kit also comes with a three-year   were noticeably gone!    would never need to get another profes-
        warranty.                              Since they designed these glasses to   sional massage because this machine did
           If you want to bring the spa to your   be used at the average distance from eye   it for us. The pulsating movement of the
        home go to  to computer screen, you will find great   massage head provides a similar motion to
                                            clarity while working online. If you are like   that of the hands of a professional mas-
        8.  Pixel Eyewear                   our staff at San Diego Woman Magazine,   seuse, trainer or physical therapist.
           When you consider that you will spend   spending countless hours looking at a   The gun is quiet and relaxing to use
        on average 3,500 hours looking at screens   computer screen, iPads, and cell phones,   and will help decrease your time needed
        this year, shouldn’t you take some mea-  Pixel Eyewear will make a vast difference.   between workouts by easing the muscle
        sures to help protect your eyes? Thank   Go to   soreness at a faster rate.
        goodness there is an answer now. Pixel   to order your pair today.         We found that the battery lasted well
        Eyewear provides breakthrough lens tech-                                 beyond our expectations and the Sonic LX
        nology that filters 50% of blue light and   9.  Sonic LX Professional Percussion   is beautifully package in a small hard case
        up to 95% at the strongest wavelengths.   Massage Gun                    making it easy to travel with it, as once you
        The lenses also contain nanotechnology   If you are looking for a professional   try the Sonic LX you will never want to be
        that reduces smudges and repels water   grade massage gun that you can get   without it.
        and dust. For added comfort, each lens   similar results as the pros this is an item   The Sonic LX as well as the other
        has an anti-reflective coating, eliminating   in which you need to invest. This gun is   products from LifePro come with a lifetime
        computer glare thus reducing the stress on   robust enough for professional trainers,   warranty and they provide live support
        your eyes.                          therapists and chiropractors to use on   from their guiding angels to be sure you
           Let’s face it when you count it up   their patients, but now you can have one   are using your equipment to its utmost
        the average persons spends about 10+   for your own personal use. This percussion  potential.
        hours a day staring at digital screens. Yet   massager is equipped with an indus-  Life Pro makes a variety of massage
        traditional glasses are only designed for   try leading 2,000 mAh motor for rapid   guns, vibration plates, and recovery tools.
        reading books, not computers. Pixel blue   tension relief with 12mm of amps for an   So, take some time to visit their website
        light glasses also help with eye strain while   intensely powerful deep tissue massage,   and pick out the tool that best fits your
        watching TV.                        and percussion speeds that range from   needs.
           Do you suffer from migraines after a   1800 all the way up to an intense 3400   Visit their site and order yours today:
        long day at work? Many people find that   RPMs.                

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