Page 62 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 62

Fabulous Finds



        SilkSound model and thought that not   to choke down a serving every day. So, I   community they are proud supporters of
        only did they exceed our expectations;   was so pleasantly surprised when I tried   Children’s Health, a local Children’s Miracle
        they surpassed them. These headphones   Sael Wellness’ Happy Apple, which is a   Network Hospital in Dallas.
        were stunning. The model received was   blend of apple cider vinegar and ginger.   If you are looking for great products
        called Lavender Crystal with a hard case of   Apple cider vinegar and ginger have been   from a company with great compassion go
        the same color. They are lightweight and   revered as a great product for those want-  online to and discover an
        compact, so much so that they foldup to fit   ing digestive and weight management, as   easy way to get healthy.
        into a case the size of a sunglass case.   well as immune support. So, the combi-
           Their Qualcomm Bluetooth 4.1 chipset   nation in Happy Apple was more than I   7.  Trophy Skin
        with their custom designed drivers deliver   had hoped for. Their product is a gummy   Trophy Skin brings the spa to you,
        a robust sound and allow for hands-free   drop which actually tastes amazing, I still   offering microdermabrasion devices that
        calling and over eight hours of playtime on   can’t figure out how they managed to hide   smooth and brighten skin, restoring that
        a charge.                           the bitterness? Now I faithfully take my   youthful glow. Their light therapy kits, one
           As an added plus, these headphones   Happy Apple gummies every day and look   for antiaging and one for acne, emit spe-
        give you your own personal assistant.   forward to it.                   cific wavelengths of light to either boost
        With the press of a button, you can have   It is almost as if Sael knew what I   collagen production or treat acne.
        your SilkSound headphones invoke Siri or   needed and made their supplements just   Microdermabrasion is a minimally
        Google Assistant, giving you information   for me. Since getting extreme tinnitus 10   invasive procedure used to renew overall
        on demand, without having to pull out   years ago I have had a terrible time getting   skin tone and texture. It can improve the
        your phone.                         to sleep and staying asleep. Sael Wellness   appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine
           To upgrade your current sound system,   has another great product called Sound   lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma,
        go to and order a pair   Sleep, which is a combination of melatonin   and other skin-related concerns such as
        of headphones today.                and magnesium. These are two products   stretch marks.
                                            that have been known to help with sleep.   We had the pleasure of trying their
        6.  Sael Wellness                   This product, like their Happy Apple, is a   amazing MicrodermMD Home Micro-
           Being healthy should be easy, and Sael   gluten-free vegan gummy in a tasty straw-  dermabrasion System. We were blown
        is here to help. The brand strives to make   berry flavor.               away with the results. It did as advertised,
        products that help you live an energet-  Aside from providing these two terrific   buffing away fine Lines and Wrinkles and
        ic, healthy and happy lifestyle without   products, this is a company that cares and   reducing signs of sun damage and age
        sacrificing fun and convenience. For years   gives back. Their mission to improve the   spots. It actually looked as if I had just
        I have heard the health benefits of Apple   health and wellness of their customers   returned from a spa vacation. I felt younger
        Cider Vinegar. It is known to give both your   doesn’t stop there, they place a special fo-  after the treatment and could not wait to
        mind and body a much-needed boost! I   cus on helping our youth. Since 1 in 7 kids   tell my friends how wonderful they would
        have tried taking it regularly, but the bitter   in America live with hunger, Sael Wellness   look and feel after using the MicrodermMD
        taste has always made me stop. I even tried   is helping make a difference by support-  system.
        adding honey to the mix to try to disguise   ing a national nonprofit working to end   With spas being closed, it was such a
        the bitterness, but still found it impossible   childhood hunger in America. In their local   great treat to be able to have this type of

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