Page 57 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 57

Fabulous Finds

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           Fragrant jewels provide an array of   leather leashes and matching waste bag   Christine, still working days as a pharma-
        bath bombs in varying shapes, sizes, colors  holders will allow your puppy to look cute   cist, and caring for their newborn, spent
        and fragrances. There is an added surprise   and stylish, and you will look like a pretty   evenings focusing on her new business.
        as the bath bomb dissolves into a beauti-  cool doggy mom or dad while you are   Today, thanks to Christine, you can find
        ful colorful bath what remains behind is   walking them too!             everything you need to make your dog
        one of 8 beautiful rings.              Long walks just got upgraded with   look fabulous.
           For example, if you ever wanted to   hand spun, cotton, weatherproof, hypo-  Go to to order
        immerse yourself in the magic of Unicorn   allergenic, naturally elastic, sustainable   some of their great items today!
        Tears, order it through Fragrant Jewels and   leashes and collars. They even have a way
        experience a magical experience. Hand-  for you to protect your pup from bugs and   10. Takobia Earrings
        crafted in gem inspired shapes, this bath   sun with classic, tie-on bandanas. Even   If you are looking for a beautiful gift
        bomb is part mystery and part fantasy. As   their waste bag holders are above the rest,   for a special someone or maybe just for
        your bath bomb fizzes away, whimsical   crafted from heavy-duty fabric and solid   yourself, look no further than Takobia
        swirls of pink, purple, blue, and yellow will   brass hardware. A little extra wiggle room   Earrings. They have the most beautiful
        fill your bathtub!                  in the bag offers space for a few personal   selection, and unique designs you will find
           Inside your bath bomb there is a trea-  items, making your walk less cumbersome.   anywhere. Each piece of Takobia jewelry
        sure waiting to be discovered. With their   We dressed one of our editor’s two-  begins by being hand etched on light-
        Unicorn ring collection, complete with   year-old Frenchie in one of these adorable   weight iron, brass or zinc alloy. Then the
        authentic Swarovski® crystals. Each crystal   collar and waste bag holder matching   metal is silver-plated and electro-coated
        is coated with a special “Aurore Boreale”   sets, and we could see all the other dogs   to seal and protect its finish, making these
        finish, giving it a glittering luminescence   envious as they saw her go by, Well we   earrings that you will have as part of your
        that captures the essence of Unicorn   know for sure that the owners were, as we   wardrobe for many years to come.
        Tears. Collect all 8 rings! At 6 oz these bath   got more “How adorable!” comments than   One of the facts that we like most
        bombs are large enough to fill your large   usual.                       about Takobia earrings, aside from the
        soaking tub.                           Founder Christine was born and raised   beauty of their design, is the fact that they
           With all the time inside that we have   in New Orleans and suffered the devastat-  are lightweight yet don’t look it. I was
        currently been facing treat yourself to a   ing reality of being one of the too many   actually amazed at how comfortable they
        spa like experience.                families who lost everything during Hurri-  were and even happier with the number
           Go to and   cane Katrina. Only 19 at the time, she went   of compliments I received every time I
        pick out some of your favorites.    on to pursue a Doctor of Pharmacy. Chris-  wore them.
                                            tine was working in Washington DC where   The finishes are free of lead, nickel
        9.  Pink Papyrus                    she met and fell in love with her best   and cadmium, so no need to worry about
           We all love our dogs and who doesn’t   friend Kiro, who was a veterinarian. It was   allergic reactions. Even the wire is hypoal-
        like to dress them up and make them look   a simple visit to Costco with her husband,   lergenic made of .925 sterling silver French
        even more adorable than they already are?   when she noted a customer walking her   wire. With various styles you will find the
        Pink Papyrus has made this beyond easy!   dog in a very ordinary leash and wondered  perfect one to fit that special outfit.
        They have the most adorable collection of   why doggie items all looked the same.   Order yours today they are Available
        doggy items you will ever see. Their vegan   The idea for Pink Papyrus was born and   on

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