Page 52 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 52

able gnome named   watching what they   watched their imag-
                                                               Gustav, ready to   did with the kit. In   inations come alive,
                                                               join you on your   no time at all they   and it also made all
                                                               adventures and a   were all huddled   of us put down our
                                                               magical pen to help   around the Gnome   phones. I would say
                                                               you turn those ad-  trying to decorate it   that everyone with
                                                               ventures into stories   and deciding where   or without children
                                                               and memories. You   it would be going,   should take a deep
                                                               will also have access   and this was before   breath and start on
                                                               to their exclusive   they even down-  your own adven-
                                                               adventure app,    loaded the app. We   ture.
                                                               Time to Roam: 15
                                                               Minute Adventures   To order your My Gnome on the Roam® go
                                                               for Busy Families.   to
                                                               Take a journey with
                                                               your gnome by
        My Gnome on       children’s branded   a suitcase full of   downloading the
        the Roam®         characters?       memories waiting   app and going on
                             Then order
                                            to be unpacked. It
                                                               an adventure.
                          My Gnome on the   will invite your child   This is a unique
           Do you want    Roam® for your    to explore, create,   adventure kit which
        to get your young   littles ones ages   and connect with   is guaranteed to
        ones to disconnect   3-12. This is a wide   your family.   help create stronger,
        from electronics   range for a toy, but   My Gnome on   happier kids and
        and experience    when you spark    the Roam® Adven-   more present and
        some of the fun   their imagination,   ture Kit contains   connected parents.
        of days gone by?   children of all ages   a copy of the My   We tested it out
        Do you want your   will surprise you   Gnome on the    with some of our
        child to use his or   by what they can   Roam® book, and   kids and grandkids
        her own imagina-  create. My Gnome   a family adventure   and found it to be
        tion and not rely   on the Roam is   journal filled with   a unique learning
        on what is forced   more than just a   blank pages waiting   opportunity for
        upon them by      children’s book and   to be filled, your   not only the kids,
        the Internet and   adventure kit, it is   own DIY customiz-  but for those of us

        Stomp             STEM toy, which   of high school    these topics, the   moving. It is their   higher. Let’s face
        Rocket            means it focuses   students have    interest is increas-  energy jumping on   it what could be
                          on the all-im-
                                                              ing. STEM products
                                            expressed interest
                                                                                 the pad that sends
                                                                                                   better than getting
                          portant areas of   in STEM careers.   combine these four   the rockets into the   out in the fresh air,
           If there is one   Science, Technol-  Therefore, it is   disciplines in a fun   air. They can have   away from com-
        thing that we have   ogy, Engineering   important that we   activity or game   fun taking turns to   puters and phones
        learned through   and Mathematics.   provide a way to   for kids who aren’t   see who can make   while learning at
        this quarantined   Although the US   grow this interest.   even aware they   the rockets soar   the same time.
        time is that there   has been a leader   By starting early   are learning.
        is only so much   in these areas,   with children and    Stomp Rocket    Go to and
        time our kids can   recently only 16%   educating them in   keeps your kids   find out how to get yours today.
        be in the house
        in front of a TV or
        computer screen.
        Sheltering at home
        has been toughest
        on our little ones
        who are usually
        so active with
        school and friends.
        Luckily, we had the
        opportunity to try
        Stomp Rocket, and
        it made their day.
        Stomp rocket is a

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