Page 54 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 54
Fabulous Finds
1. PureWine™ in all wines as a preservative, to prevent If you want to get back to simply en-
Most of us look forward to that glass oxidation. joying your favorite wine, go to
of wine when relaxing and kicking back, Histamines (a kind of biogenic amine) and orders
but many of us resist the urge due to the are chemicals made by our immune sys- your supply today.
aftereffects that it often causes. PureWine™ tems. They are also found in many foods
has solved this problem. After two years of and beverages. The histamines in our 2. Amalli Talli
research by founders Dr. David Meadows bodies provide important benefits such as Clothing for Tall Women
and his son Derek, they came up with the fighting infections or regulating sleep. The We were absolutely thrilled when we
solution. histamines found in foods, and beverages heard about this company. We love it when
In 2016, the duo launched the first are very common. Histamines are especially women start businesses to help fill a need,
PureWine™ product, The Wand™, for a prevalent in food/drink that is aged or fer- and that is exactly what these two sisters
glass of wine, followed in mid-2018 by The mented, such as cured meats, aged cheeses did. Amy and Alli, two former collegiate
Wave™ for a bottle of wine. or fermented beer, ale and wine; histamines volleyball players, struggled their entire
These two unique filtration systems are also in common items such as mustard life in search of stylish clothing that would
eliminate histamines and sulfites, the and ketchup, peppers or shellfish. These meet their needs. Amy, 6’4” and Alli, 5’10”
culprits causing headaches, skin flush, consumable histamines combine with the found that their height made it difficult
congestion, runny nose/sneezing, stomach histamines produced in our bodies and can to buy clothes that made them feel and
distress and hangovers. These products trigger allergic responses in many. look good. Even though they were both
accomplish this without altering the flavor With wine, there are histamine precur- considered tall, even though there was
of your delicious reds and whites. sors found in the skin of grapes. The hista- a 6” difference between the two women.
PureWine™ offers The Wand™ and The mines are then formed when wine grapes With different proportions, even clothing
Wave™. The Wand™ is used by swishing it are fermented. advertised as tall made neither woman feel
around in your single glass of wine, while As a rule of thumb, the thicker the the way they wanted. Amalli Talli (yes, a
the Wave™ is a filtration system that gets skin of a wine grape – including varietals combination of their two names) was born,
placed on the top of the wine bottle allow- such as cabernet sauvignon, merlot, syrah, fueled with the mission of helping ensure
ing the wine to be filtered as it is poured. sangiovese or tempranillo – the more likely tall girls and women would love the body
Not only do they solve the problem, individuals with histamine sensitivity will they are in. Their focus was to promote a
but these miracle Wands™ have now been experience wine allergies. healthy self-confidence through stylish
redesigned to include a wine charm at the The Wand™ and The Wave™ are the first clothing that fits.
end of each one. When you have finished products available that remove the four As Amy states, “We have always had
stirring your wine, twist off the charm and kinds of histamines found in wine that a theory - and that theory was that if tall
attach it to your glass, so you never lose cause allergic reactions. They hold a range girls had access to stylish clothing with a fit
track of it again. of patents based on selectively removing that truly met their needs, it would have a
Not everyone suffers from wine these histamines and sulfites from wine profound impact on how they viewed their
allergies, which are caused by your body’s without altering any of the remaining bodies and their self-confidence.”
reactions to histamines and sulfites. Both components of wine (tannins, antioxidants, Amalli Talli built a brand and a clothing
histamines and sulfites are naturally etc,) that give wine its characteristic taste, line that recognizes that not all tall women
occurring in wine; sulfites are also added aroma and color. have the same proportions, they therefore