Page 47 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 47

Don’t Go
                  My Woman of                                   out plaintively from the back   smaller Catholic resting place.
                                                                                              Stacey’s disability was being
                                                                                            born with a strange elongated
                                                                   “Sherry, don’t go,” she’d call
                                                                                            head that required two surgeries
                     Distinction                                porch as I tried to get out of the   – one at 11 months and one at 4
                                                                gate. I was on my way to school
                                                                                            years of age in which the doctors
                                                                - probably a junior, perhaps only
                                                                a sophomore. This was a fairly   split her skull from her forehead
                                                                                            to the back of the crown on her
                                                                frequent event, yet it is this one   head. She had to wear a helmet
                       By Sharon Hightower                      morning that stands out in my   kind of covering that my mother
                                                                mind. Not sure why? I needed   made of thick bedding fabric.
           Women of distinction: strong women, perhaps          to go to school, but I also knew   Shawn’s childhood ended abrupt-
                                                                my mother was tired. Her three
                                                                                            ly when she was born and the
           extraordinary or perhaps not. Maybe there is something   youngest children were just a   youngest never had much – all
           in all women that is tough, that allows them to do what   couple of years apart and the   the attention went to Stacey and
           must be done even in the most ordinary of circumstances,   middle one, Stacey, had a birth   her disability which rendered her
                                                                                            legally blind.
                                                                defect that took enormous
           yet those same day in and day out events often require a   amounts of energy. This partly   And these three were born
           strength that is difficult to measure, yet easy to admire.   accounted for my mother’s love of   after my mother’s biggest trial,
           My mother was such a woman. Perhaps yours is, too.   the bottle, which made life even   when my oldest sister accused
                                                                more complicated.           my dad of molesting her. In the
                                                                   Mrs. Watson was the coun-  months that followed, the girls
                                                                selor I was often sent to as my   were sent to live with their “real”
                                                                                            dad in Iowa and my mother was
                                                                absences mounted. She was very
             Photo Courtesy of Sharon Hightower                 my potential, that I had so much   LA, she found a way to a window
                                                                kind, and we grew rather close
                                                                                            sent to a mental institution. When
                                                                over the years, but she’d lecture
                                                                                            she was admitted to a large hos-
                                                                me on how I wasn’t living up to
                                                                                            pital housed in a tall building in
                                                                going for me and just needed to
                                                                                            of the hospital from which she
                                                                buckle down. Little did she know
                                                                                            yelled after my dad, “Jack, don’t
                                                                that I often had the 6am feed-
                                                                                            leave me.”
                                                                ings and though my mom fixed
                                                                                              She was transferred to a
                                                                dinner and kept the home fires
                                                                                            facility in Norwalk where she
                                                                burning most of the time, there
                                                                                            was hospitalized for about 9 or
                                                                were many times when she just
                                                                                            10 months and was subjected
                                                                couldn’t get out of bed.
                                                                                            featured in the movie One Flew
                                                                   Not sure when she became
                                                                                            Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. My aunt
                                                                so sad, but something happened
                                                                either when or shortly after I was   to the shock treatments as were
                                                                                            moved in and took care of Steve
                                                                born, and as a result she couldn’t   and I. He was a baby. I was 9.
                                                                get pregnant again. Well, that’s
                       My Mother                                not exactly the case. She got   When my mom came home; she
                                                                                            was a different person. She sang
                                                                                            no more although her songs had
                                                                pregnant, but she couldn’t carry
                                                                a baby to term. Finally, after years   always been telling – songs like
            My mother may have been the saddest person I’ve ever known,   of trying, the doctors put her   Don’t Fence Me In and Tumbling
          but she hid it well and never, ever voiced her feelings. In fact, she did   to bed and our neighbor, Polly,   Tumble Weeds and The Wayward
          her best to hide them – resorting to lying when necessary.  learned how to give the daily in-  Wind. Clearly, she’d felt trapped.
            I knew she’d practically grown up in a boarding school, but I’d   jections that helped her keep this   After being hospitalized, she
          thought she went there after her father died when she was 8 or 9. It   pregnancy and Steve was born   learned to behave (to do what she
                                                                some 7 years after me, a healthy
          was only in her old age that she talked about her father visiting her   baby boy. Finally. My first younger   was told; I guess) and even in my
          and how she’d look out the window hoping to see him walking up the   sibling.     youth, I could see that she was
                                                                                            afraid. And she obediently deliv-
          hill toward her school. Come to find out, she was sent to the school   I had two older sisters, the   ered 4 more babies, although one
          when she was about 4. And she lived there until she was around 16   two girls my mom had from her   died. At the same time, she began
          when she was “aged out” to a family as a kind of nanny.   first marriage but with a divorce   to drink. It must have made things
            As an example of how she avoided the uncomfortable topics,   and remarriage there were lots of
          when referring to her school, she never used the term boarding   years between them and me, so   smoother for her.
                                                                                              My sisters never came back
          school, although surely that’s what it was. She only said it was a   I wasn’t ever really close to them   home. The younger kids grew like
          Catholic school. And at some point I realized that she never even   nor my younger siblings also   weeds and I did too. Before I knew
          went home for vacations. Indeed, I don’t think she had such a thing   because of the age differences.   it, I graduated from high school,
          as a home.                                            Anyway, after me the miscar-  despite missing tons of days, and
            I began putting this together when we went on a vacation to the   riages began. In all, Mom bore 8   then I left home at 17. I felt bad
          San Francisco Bay Area and visited several of her sisters and her   children, but had 11 miscarriages,   leaving them, but I couldn’t stay
          Mom though briefly. One of my aunts lived near us, and I think she   and 1 of the 8 children only lived   and watch her pain anymore. I felt
          talked a bit.                                         a few days. Her name was Sheila,   as if I was abandoning the little
            The people she worked for must have been especially kind because   and she came between Shawn   ones, but I had to get out of there.
          she kept in touch with them for the rest of her life, at least sending   and Stacey who were closely   I’d struggled on a daily basis just
          Christmas cards. And we went to visit them the one time I remember   followed by the youngest, Shelly.   to finish high school. I couldn’t
          ever visiting any of her family who all lived in the San Francisco area.  Sheila was buried across the street   stay although I’m not sure I’ve
                                                                from the family cemetery in a   ever forgiven myself.
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