Page 43 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 43
Many people turn to food often suggest intermittent
as a coping mechanism. So, fasting for patients due to
I look at the eating patterns the numerous health benefits
and habits and we work on that it offers. My patients are
some of that as well. Then I often pleasantly surprised,
look at nutrition. What are that just minor changes can
they putting in their body? have some pretty impressive
Are they selecting organic results in getting them back
produce, grass fed beef, and in shape, healthier and hap-
free-range chicken? If not, I pier.
educate them on the health I asked Kristine what sug-
and nutritional benefits of se- gestions she could impart on
lecting such items. anyone who wanted to be-
My next step is analyz- come a physician assistant.
ing whether they are eat- “My advice would be to spend
ing foods that are known to as much time as you can with
cause inflammation in some various different specialties.
individuals. What does their Prior to making the selection
gluten intake look like? What to become a PA, I found it in-
does their dairy intake look credibly valuable to shadow
like? Processed sugar is often and to talk to as many doc-
a problem for many people. tors, PAs, nurse practitioners,
Frequently, people are un- occupational therapists, and
knowingly consuming much physical therapists as I could.
more processed sugar than That’s truly what led me to
they think because it is added the decision to be a PA.
into many foods we eat. Then Kristine has spent hun-
after I look at what they are dreds of hours in the last few
eating, I assess how frequent- months being a support for
ly they're eating and what many of her patients who
time they eat meals. I don’t have been experiencing in-
recommend diets; I suggest creased stress levels because
lifestyle modifications that of the pandemic. She has
set patients up for success by been a rock for many of her
incorporating nutrient-dense patients who knew that she
foods that are tailored for would always be there for
their individual needs. I truly them to talk things through
believe that food is medicine and not panic in the face of
and selecting the right foods the uncertainty. At San Diego
can improve micronutrient Woman Magazine, we would
deficiencies, decrease inflam- like to thank Kristine Daugh-
mation, and much more! erty for all she has done to
Next, I will suggest detox- help us through a very tough
ification protocols that will time. She is without a doubt
support with gently remov- a shining example of a San Di-
ing toxins and address any ego Woman Magazine Wom-
gut health issues present. I an of Distinction.
For more information on Kristine go to:
Instagram: @medicatewithlove
Coming soon: