Page 45 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 45

Women of Distinction

        problems and she realized how   or whether they're manufacturing   how the world works, makes you
        much creativity could exist in a   something.                look at the world differently. I
        “corporate” environment when the   Anasuya went on to accept a   approach things differently I think
        right approach and perspective is   job with Hewlett Packard in a posi-  that it is possible that what I am
        applied.                      tion that allowed her to gain even   assuming is not true. What if I
           Anasuya ended up taking an   more experience. “I ran operations   need to look at it completely fresh
        extended detour into the technol-  for the entire Americas, which   and brand new? How do I under-
        ogy industry and found herself   was Canada, the United States and   stand the different positions that
        passionate about how technology   Latin America, and this position   people are in and react according-
        works, and the processes, be-  turned out to be the hardest job   ly, instead of coming into it with
        haviors and ways people interact   I've ever had. The complexity of   preconceived ideas?”
        with technology. This changed   her job was undeniable and add
        her career trajectory a bit, and she   to it some challenges that HP
        became very involved in this field.   was experiencing at the time,
        “I wasn't even 30, and I was trav-  constantly having to refocus and
        eling to Spain and, working with   work around corporate changes.
        companies to figure out how dif-  Hewlett Packard hired McKinsey
        ferent technology companies work   and so we suddenly had McKinsey
        together and what they need to do   teams working with us and they
        to be running more efficiently and   were great at what they do using
        effectively. I worked on negotiating   well-orchestrated communication
        partnerships and relationships   and organization.”
        between multiple companies, their   Anasuya worked hard to
        partners and their customers. I   advance her team and ended up
        learned how to connect people and  working for a boss who made a
        companies together for mutual   switch to a position in Oracle, and
        benefit. “I became passionate about  after some time decided to make
        the concept of alliances, channels,   the move back to Oracle with him.
        and partners and identifying the   “I ended up with a boss who is
        business benefit between compa-  still my boss today, who runs the
        nies to win together and scale…   North America cloud business for
        together in any situation.”   Oracle. So, I ended up working for
           Anasuya was excellent at what   Oracle for a second time.”
        she did and was offered a job with   How our company works is   In Anasuya’s position, she is
        Oracle. The focus of her position   that you buy a product, you buy   often in conversations with people
        was to help Oracle understand   a license, so in essence rent it and   who are mad. “I'll have a conversa-
        and meet the needs of their   pay for it monthly in the cloud.   tion and they'll say, I hate this, this
        varied customer base. “I needed   And as a part of that, the rela-  doesn't work. And to me I'm like,
        to understand what was critical   tionship that we have with our   okay, that's where the conversation
        to our client’s businesses. What's   customers is materially different.   starts. If a client is willing to talk to
        their strategy? What's their vision?   It's less than a point in time. I sell   me, willing to have a conversation,
        What's their execution plan, and   you something, I'll check in with   that means they probably want me
        how does that execution plan fit   you later and see how you're using   to fix it. And approaching my job
        into Oracle's technology roadmap?   it, and how it is working for you.   from this angle has taught me to be
        And, how do we work together to   You are in an ongoing relationship   a really good connector.”
        co-develop new things in research   where you are using our technol-  Anasuya believes that every-
        and development?”             ogy and our services, so I want to   one has their magic skill, hers is to
           In her position she was able   make sure it's working and you're   be able to sort through a com-
        to show companies that they were   happy with it and it's driving the   plex situation “I see how lots of
        not really that materially different   value all the time.   different complicated pieces all fit
        from each other. Regardless of    Anasuya adds, “As crazy as it   together or can fit together. And
        whether they were selling grocer-  sounds, I believe that growing up   I'm good at making the connec-
        ies or manufacturing cars. Every   on that compound and coming   tions so that people benefit from
        single business has to use technol-  into the world from a really dif-  something much greater than just
        ogy in some way, whether they're   ferent place, and not fitting in, not   themselves. And that's what I feel
        selling a product, whether they're   having any of the natural benefits   like I get the opportunity to do
        communicating about a message,   that you might get when you know   in Oracle. I can just look at how

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