Page 42 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 42

Women of Distinction

        having the symptoms they are   A common complaint  Are their feet actually touch-  before bedtime. Download-
        experiencing. I see patients  from Kristine’s patients is the  ing the earth or in San Diego,  ing relaxation apps such as
        through a variety of practic-  need to improve the quality of  the sand to gain the benefits  Insight  Timer, Breethe, Calm,
        es, and I am in the process of  sleep.  She was kind enough  of earthing/grounding as a  or Headspace and trying to
        establishing my own practice  to share with us some infor-  way to promote restful sleep.  play them every night before
        as we speak.” Kristine believes  mation on improving sleep.    I always suggest that they  bedtime.  make gratitude lists
        that treating her patients with   Before I would suggest  try to do so if only for a few  showing what you accom-
        a combination of Eastern and                                                      plished that day and if you
        Western medicine gives them                                                       have items you did not get to
        the best chance of leading                                                        create a to-do list for the next
        happier and healthier lives.                                                      day.  This allows you to shut
           With   Kristine’s  back-                                                       your mind off, which is often
        ground in marketing and                                                           what keeps us awake at night.
        advertising, and her medical                                                      We sleep better when we are
        expertise, she also does con-                                                     cool  so,  lower  the  tempera-
        sulting work for other med-                                                       ture at home for better sleep
        ical professionals who are                                                        and limit caffeine intake. This
        trying to start their practice                                                    is great information for us
        or  improve  an  existing  prac-                                                  all and the list does not end
        tice.  “I consult with medical                                                    there.  Kristine is a wealth of
        professionals/practice own-                                                       information on how to get
        ers and provide strategies to                                                     more restful sleep.  I strong-
        increase  patient  satisfaction,                                                  ly recommend seeing her if
        implement new service offer-                                                      insomnia is something from
        ings, improve efficiency, and                                                     which you are suffering.
        enhance  patient  outcomes.                                                          When it comes to weight
        Many clinicians learned how                                                       loss, Kristine has a unique
        to treat patients, but they                                                       approach. “I have a little dif-
        were not taught how to run                                                        ferent approach when it
        a successful practice. By op-                                                     comes to weight loss. Initially,
        timizing  processes,  proce-                                                      I will evaluate the stress lev-
        dures, and billing, the clini-                                                    el of anyone desiring to lose
        cian then has more time to                                                        weight.  What is their overall
        spend with their patients.”    Photo by High Voltage Agency                       satisfaction, how happy are
           Kristine is one of the most                                                    they in their life, in all areas
        knowledgeable  medical  pro-                                                      of life?  Are they happy with
        fessions  that  I  have  spoken                                                   their relationship with them-
        to over the years and she                                                         selves, relationship with a
        does not take her job light-                                                      spouse or significant other,
        ly.  From our interview it was                                                    family,  friends,  professional
        easy to see that much time  any treatment, I would look  minutes during the day.  This  career, personal hobbies, etc.
        and thought have gone into  at a person’s normal daily  helps  to  reset  their  circadian  This allows me to identify
        her acquiring such a wide  routine and sleep hygiene to  rhythm. I would also probe  emotional triggers that may
        range of knowledge in so  identify anything that could  further and ask questions  be contributing to overeat-
        many  different  specialties.  impair restful sleep. I would  about  where  their  Wi-Fi  was  ing. Are they holding onto
        “My practice includes regen-  ask them what time they usu-  located in their house, and are  this weight as a form of pro-
        erative  medicine,  functional  ally eat dinner, what time they  they putting their phones on  tection? Is there some sort
        medicine, pain management,  go to bed and how much time  Airplane mode when they go  of underlying fear especially
        weight loss, nutrition, con-  exists between the two. What  to sleep?             right now, I am hearing a lot
        trol of diabetes, insomnia,  kind of exposure are they hav-  To help improve sleep, I  of patients coping with the
        thyroid disease, autoimmune  ing to blue lights from  their  would suggest some of the  fear, the anxiety and the un-
        disorders, Lyme disease, mold  cell phones, iPads, computers,  following:  Blue blocker eye-  certainty  of  COVID  19  and
        toxicity, antiaging, and sexual  television or even blue light  glasses to use after dinner  what their lives will look like,
        wellness.  I also work with in-  from overhead fluorescent  time to reduce blue light ex-  next week or next month, or
        dividuals who are looking to  lighting? Are they consuming  posure, especially if some-  next year, because there is still
        optimize their overall health  alcohol? Are they getting any  one is not able to stop using  so much uncertainty across
        and wellness.              sun exposure during the day?  electronics at least two hours  the United States.

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