Page 60 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 60

Fabulous Finds



        1.  Gift Gowns                      2.  Keto-BEAM                        uct called Insta-Lytes which is an Electro-
           With sayings such as “A Scar is a   There has never been a better time to   lyte Misting Spray, which had amazing
        Tattoo with a better story” and “What’s   take your health and nutrition into your   results on body aches and cramping.
        up Doc” to the special maternity version   own hands. Social Distancing is imperative,   If you are on a keto diet, this product
        “Busy Making a Life” Gift Gowns are a   but at the same time each of us needs to   is even more essential to your health. On
        unique way to personalize that boring   do whatever is possible to shield ourselves.   a Keto diet the body burns electrolytes
        hospital gown, and perhaps also a way to   Keto-BEAM is a leader in nutrition and   much faster than normal. Most of us are
        lighten the moment when a loved one is   provides some simple ways to take control.   already low on electrolytes, so reduction
        headed for a hospital stay. Not only are   Taking Keto-BEAM’s micronutrient and   of electrolytes in the body during ketosis
        the traditional gowns dull but they are   electrolyte support gives your immune sys-  can cause many symptoms that are char-
        very often uncomfortable and for many   tem a fighting chance with a 1-2-3 Punch:  acterized as the “Keto-Flu”. This product
        indecent, as they often open at the most   •  ONE: Provide support to cellular nu-  provides the body with essential nutrients
        inopportune moments. Instead of a one   trition, giving your entire system the   lost while following this very popular
        size fits most hospital gown, Gift Gowns   energy necessary to fight disease.   diet, sodium, magnesium, potassium and
        can be ordered in sizes from S-XXXL   •  TWO: Provide the tools your body   calcium.
        to lessen one uncomfortable part of a   needs to rid itself of toxins and bio-  Besides making a great product, Ke-
        hospital stay.                          waste, like having a 24-hour a day   to-BEAM is providing Special Discounts for
           Not only do they help with this prod-  cleaning service!              Healthcare Workers, First Responders and
        uct, but they also make a variety of fun   •  THREE: Provide both in a 100%   USPS workers.
        face masks and they have been making    bioavailable liquid format and you   Email for more
        these even before the entire world was in   have just given yourself a fighting   info. Go to their website at
        search of face masks to battle Covid-19.   chance against health challenges like and order your supply today.
        They have however increased their pro-  COVID-19.
        duction of masks to help with the world-  Keto-BEAM provides Fulvic complexes,   3.  Leefy ©
        wide shortages. They have experience in   which are super small molecules that pro-  PRANA
        making comfortable fitting masks in a va-  vide inter-cellular transport for nutritional   PRANA is a product no one should
        riety of patterns, colors and with unique   elements (into the cells) and bio-waste–(in   be without. It is a liquid supplement that
        sayings including, “Kiss Me,” and another   these times the Coronavirus) out of the   is taken 1-4 times daily. It is an elixir that
        that says “I’d Rather Be Golfing.”   cells.                              contains just four natural organic ingre-
           We tested out their masks and were   As terrifying as this pandemic has been,   dients, which when combined form the
        very impressed with the quality and fit.   I am happy to say that using Keto-BEAM   perfect superfood for optimal nutrition
        My family especially liked the one that   every day has made me feel better physi-  and absorption.
        offered Hugs & Kisses (XO).         cally than I have in a very long time. I used   PRANA consists of ORGANIC TURMERIC
           Go to their site and check out these   their Electrolyze Fulvic Electrolyte Balancer   ROOT, which is said to be the most effec-
        unique masks and gowns today at www.  and Micro-BOOST Micro-Nutrient Support   tive nutritional supplement in existence.                       every day and was thrilled with the results.   Over 6,000 medical studies show that is
                                            In addition, they have a very unique prod-  has major benefits for your body and brain.

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