Page 65 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 65


        Food Scene                                                                        tive, creative, and the focus is
                                                                                          on the ancient Mexican roots.
        Over the centuries, a mix of                                                      Dishes range from lobster cev-
        the cultures were absorbed                                                        iche, to venison with peppers
        into the peninsula. Common-                                                       and pibil carrots, and spectac-
        ly referred to as Yucatecan                                                       ular desserts. Make sure you
        cuisine, the foods of the area                                                    save room for the corn bread
        reflect this multi-culturalism.                                                   mixed with chocolate milk and
        It is common to find Dutch                                                        cocoa with ginger ice cream.
        Edam cheese, Lebanese Kib-
        beh, French cuisine and some                                                      Cenote Swimming Holes
        Mexican cuisine, such as
        tamales. The most prevalent   mixture unique to each chef,                        The entire Yucatán is famous
        crops of the region are corn,   but generally are made up of   Recado Rojo (Red) also called   for its crystal-clear under-
        avocados, beans, squash,   habanero chilies, annatto (an   Achiote (translates as red dye)   ground waterways called
        pumpkins, quinoa, tomatoes,   orange-red condiment and   is a spice mix or paste made   cenotes. Historically used as a
        sour oranges, chilies, most   food coloring derived from   with annatto seeds, cumin,   fresh water supply for ancient
        notably habanero chilies   the seeds of the Achiote   coriander, oregano, cloves,   cities, and considered an
        and many tropical fruits like   tree), cumin, oregano, cinna-  garlic and pepper. To make   entrance to the underworld,
        dragon fruit, rambutan and   mon, allspice, garlic, salt and   into a paste, add sour orange   today they are used for float-
        melons.                    pepper.                    juice. It also can be used as   ing and soaking and cooling
                                                              a marinade or rub. Grind the   off from the heat. Floating
        Adventures Mexico Tour     Recado Negro (black) recipes   annatto and other spices   deep down in the earth can
        Company who specializes in   call for chilies to be grilled   together in either a mortar   be an incredibly calming
        culinary and cantina tours   until they are completely   and pestle or a coffee grinder.   experience, only understood
        will take you to the bustling   charred black. The heat of   Add salt, garlic and bitter   once you’ve done it.
        Mercado Lucas De Galvéz    the chilies is minimized by   orange juice and process until
        and Mercado Santiago mar-  the bitterness of charring   its smooth.               Be prepared to be delight-
        kets. A fun day is taking the   and the evaporation of the                        fully surprised on your visit
        tour, experiencing the best   capsaicin during the grill-  The high level of local Mayan-  to Mérida. Take time to enjoy
        stalls at the markets, pur-  ing process. Other spices   meets-modern-cuisine is   the food, history, architecture,
        chasing food and then taking  are also toasted separately,   reflected in K’u’uk Restaurant.   and gentle people of the
        a cooking class in a private   along with flame burnt corn   Located in a converted man-  Yucatan Peninsula.
        home.                      tortillas. After soaking the   sion across the street from the
                                   chilies in water and remov-  Monumento a la Patria. It was
        Recados                    ing the seeds and the sour   named the best restaurant
                                   burnt flavor, the additional   in inner Mexico in 2017 and
        The Yucatecos, have two    spices are combined in a   2018 by Wine Enthusiast, and
        spice mixes that are very   food processor with the   one of the 100 Restaurants in
        prevalent in all foods: Recado  chilies and a bit of vegetable   the world. Worth a pilgrimage
        Negro (black) and Achiote   oil and formed into a paste.   according to Travel & Leisure
        (sometimes referred to as   The paste can be rubbed on   Gourmet Awards, 2013. The
        Recado Rojo – red). Reca-  a piece of meat, marinated   tasting menu changes regu-
        dos are an extremely time   overnight and cooked the   larly based on what’s at the
        intensive labor of love,   following day.             market, but it is always inven-

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