Page 64 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 64


                                                              more millionaires in Mérida   the establishment of Tenoch-
                                                              than in any other city in the   titlán to the 20th century.
                                                              world. These wealthy barons   Throughout the façade, you’ll
                                                              constructed mansions on the   find figures representative of
                                                              main street of a town called   the Maya culture, like a Chac-
                                                              Paseo de Montejo. Many of   mool, a ceiba tree surrounded
                                                              these buildings still exist and   by butterflies, jaguars, and
                                                              have been restored into beau-  the city’s shield.
                                                              tifully ornate office buildings.
                                                              Stroll down the avenue and   Pyramids of Uxmal
                                                              admire the variety of different
            FOOD, PYRAMIDS &                                  architectures.              A day or overnight trip south
                                                                                          of Mérida is Uxmal, a World
                                                              Plaza de la                 Heritage site, consisting of
              CULTURE, OH MY!                                 Independencia               Mayan pyramids and ruins.
                                                                                          The layout of the buildings,
                                                                                          which date from between
                                                              Mérida’s focal point is Plaza
        Exploring Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico                     de la Independencia, bor-   700 and 1000, is now known
                                                                                          to have been based on a very
                                                              dered by the fortress-like
                                                              Mérida Cathedral and white   sophisticated knowledge of
             Article and Photos By Robin Dohrn-Simpson        limestone Iglesia de la Tercera   astronomy. The compound
                                                              Orden. Both of these ornate   is celebrated for its precise
        When your tour brochure says  unique culture influenced by   colonial-era churches were   construction and ornate
        “Come, relax in the tropical   Spanish conquistadores, who   built using relics from ancient   stone carvings. The towering
        paradise of the Yucatán Pen-  began colonizing the territory   Mayan temples. The Casa de   Pyramid of the Magician is the
        insula, Mexico”, oftentimes   in the 16th century. The Maya,  Montejo, a 16th-century man-  center of the ruins and is in
        the first thought is Cancun   Spanish, French, British, Leb-  sion, is a landmark of ornate   remarkably good condition,
        and Cozumel. However, just   anese, Asians and Mexicans   silversmith-like architecture,   decorated with many sym-
        three hours east is the vibrant   cultures have left their mark.  brought by the Spanish. The   bolic motifs and sculptures
        city of Mérida, gateway to the                        plaza is lively all day with art-  depicting Chaac, the god of
        region’s UNESCO-listed ar-  Historical Yucatán,       ists, food stalls, performers and  rain. Climbing this pyramid is
        chaeological sites and nature   Colonial Architecture  if you’re lucky a video-map-  prohibited. You can however
        reserves.                                             ping culture and light show,   climb the Great Pyramid on
                                   Mérida has prospered over   put on by the local university.   the other side of the com-
        The Peninsula looks like a   the years with the production                        pound and get panoramic
        mermaid’s tail on the south-  of henequén (sisal), leaves   (  views of the area. A tour is
        eastern tip of Mexico. It   of the Agave plant that are   watch?v=jHRynlPZJMU)    highly recommended.
        is dense with jungles and   made into rope, twine, mezcal
        dotted with the pyramids of   and licor del henequén, a   The stunning Monumento   Stay for the evening Light and
        Uxmal. The Maya civilization   traditional Mexican alcohol-  a la Patria was created by   Sound Show, which tells the
        has been living and thriving   ic drink. People came from   Colombian sculptor Rómulo   story the Mayans summoning
        in the region for millennia.   many countries to make   Rozo, and sits majestically in   the god Chaac and praying for
        Although somewhat isolat-  their fortune from this plant.   the center of town. It features   rain. The different buildings in
        ed from the rest of Mexico,   They were successful, and in   300 hand carved figures that   the compound are lit up, and
        Mérida has developed its own  the 20th century there were   tell the story of México from   the feeling is quite mystical.

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