Page 61 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 61

Fabulous Finds




        Used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chi-  PRANA doesn’t contain any chemicals,   Migraines are a chronic neurological
        nese medicine, turmeric is nature’s most   artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or   disorder that affects as much as 15% of the
        powerful anti-inflammatory super food.  preservatives. They use only natural, nour-  world’s population. In the United States,
           ORGANIC GINGER ROOT, also one    ishing ingredients from nature. Remember   migraine affects 38 million people. About
        of the healthiest spices on the planet. It   when it comes to nutrients It’s not what   85% of migraine sufferers are women.
        is loaded with nutrients and bioactive   you eat, it’s what you absorb.   While most people experience attacks
        compounds that have powerful health    A holistic nutritionist formulated PRA-  once or twice a month, over 4 million
        benefits. Together with turmeric there is a   NA to maximize the absorption of turmeric   people suffer chronic daily migraine. While
        powerful synergistic benefit.       liquid supplements which is far more   treatment often includes powerful drugs,
           ORGANIC BLACK PEPPER FRUIT which   effective and bioavailable than pills and   what if a migraine could be stopped natu-
        has been shown to increases curcumin   powders. Not only do they often contain   rally before it starts?
        absorption up to 2,000% and even has its   a broader range of nutrients, their absorp-  Migrastil has a line of all-natural
        own benefits like boosting metabolism.   tion begins in the mouth and doesn’t rely   products created by migraine sufferers for
        The last ingredient is VEGETABLE GLYCER-  on making it through the harsh environ-  migraine sufferers. There isn’t a solution or
        IN, a naturally sweet-tasting, low glycemic   ment of the stomach and guess what? It   cure for Migraines, but there are products
        triglyceride produced from plant oils. An   actually tastes good too!    that work, and Migrastil Migraine Sticks
        effective solvent for herbal extractions and   With all of the benefits of this product   are one of them. A much less painful and
        critical lipid base needed for maximum   you need to order some today! Go to www.  expensive aid to help with the devastating
        curcumin absorption.       and try it for yourself.   Migraines. The Migraine Stick is a plant-
           They make PRANA in small batches                                      based solution which is all natural and
        with locally sourced ingredients. This is   4.  Migraine Stick           includes peppermint, spearmint and laven-
        an all in one supplement with ingredi-  June is Migraine awareness month.   der essential oils in a coconut oil base. It is
        ents known to decrease inflammation   As a Migraine sufferer I can tell you that   made in the USA and is easy to use, simply
        which can cause cancers and rheumatoid   Migraines are a serious deterrent to living a   apply Migraine Stick to the temples and
        arthritis, improve brain function including   happy, active life.        back of neck as needed and feel its cooling
        improving mood and helping with depres-  It is much more than “just a headache.”   relief. With its portable size you can stick it
        sion and other mental conditions as well   Migraine can make you less effective at   in your purse and have it handy whenever
        as increased memory, focus and cognitive   work and rob you of precious time spent   you need it. Migrastil Migraine Stick even
        function.                           with family and friends. As of now, there is   offers a 90-day no hassle, money-back
           PRANA also provides powerful benefits   no cure for migraines, but there are ways   guarantee.
        for the heart and cardiovascular system.   to manage and reduce the effects of this   Order yours today on
        Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and an-  horrible disease. As with most people who
        ti-platelet activity help reduce risk of heart   suffer with Migraines, I can tell you that I   5.  Paww Wireless Headphones
        disease. If you suffer from painful joints,   have tried a variety of Migraine treatments   We are always looking for wireless
        Turmeric and ginger have been shown to   including self-administered monthly injec-  headphones with great sound and comfort
        be more effective than prescription drugs   tions and Botox® injections into my head,   while working out, running or just sitting
        for alleviating joint pain.         by my neurologist.                   on a blanket at the beach. We received the

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