Page 31 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 31

Women of Distinction

        move would be”. Pam found a   through the process, but they   want to react, we discuss how   breaths, create that space and
        three-day intensive Mindfulness   have to put it into practice.”  you ground yourself so that you   then decide how to respond.
        performance program called    “When I started Intention to   can be present in the moment   Often you don't even realize how
        mPEAK that was developed and   Action Leadership, I didn't want   and you don't just react. Many   much you do that. It is a habit
        being taught at UCSD, and so   it to be just mindfulness. I bring   people are not good at this. They   that you need to consciously be
        she enrolled. “I went for myself,   it into my coaching as much as   want to jump in, and they want   aware of so you can break this
        loved it, and left knowing this   possible, because I think it's so   to interrupt, or they want to solve   habit. It takes time and I think it's
        was a program that could really   powerful and I think it's a differ-  the problem. I teach my clients   recognizing what your relation-
        help others in their personal and   entiator today, because there is   how to ground and how to sit   ship is to your phone. For most of
        professional lives.” The mPEAK   so much coming at us and we   with discomfort. Not a painless   us it is a pretty intimate one.”
        program she explains is mindful-  are a very global, there is more   process for most people.”  One of the little tricks Pam
        ness plus taking the foundations   diversity at work. You can't just   Sometimes when she   mentioned in breaking the
        of mindfulness, using the neuro-  be a boss anymore, you've got   introduces these concepts to an   phone habit is to remove most
        science to support the learning,   everybody watching you, you've   executive, they ask Pam to share   programs from your phone and
        and experiential practices along   got social media, your employ-  the concepts with the entire   just make things a little harder to
        the way in order to get to a high-  ees, and society watching you.   organization. “It just varies based   do on your phone. For instance,
        er level of performance.   You have everything coming at   on what the needs are. I think   everything doesn't have to be
           During the three-day retreat   you, and so how do you show up   that there are a lot of mindful   an automatic login or face scan.
        Pam decided to stay and contin-  for yourself? How do you show   leadership programs right now   If you have to stop to enter a
        ue with the coaches training and   up for others better?”  that over promise, and I'm very   username and password, you
        chose this direction in her career   With Pam’s 25-year founda-  cautious about that. To me, if you   will wait until you are at your
        transition journey. While making   tion of executive leadership and   want to bring mindfulness into   computer to check those sites. I
        the move to California Pam   her knowledge of mindfulness,   an organization, it can be part of   can see this being a great way to
        started the coach’s certification   she has the perfect mix to help   your wellness plan, but it should   cut down screen time.
        training for the mPEAK program   correct some rudimentary prob-  not be forced.      “As a leader, you need to
        through UCSD.              lems that management execu-   It is an incredibly powerful   set parameters regarding your
           Today Pam couples her years   tives face daily. The tools she gets   tool that you can offer to your   phone. If an employee texts,
        of coaching employees to be   from mindfulness are the tools   leadership and to your associ-  and you immediately respond,
        their best, along with the essen-  that really make a difference in   ates. But it's not a panacea. In the   regardless of the time of day or
        tial elements of mindfulness, to   today's world.     organizations where it starts at   night, it becomes a habit and
        run Intentions to Action Lead-  Pam works with small and   the highest levels and its founda-  they expect you to always react
        ership, her extremely successful   large businesses and is relatable   tion continues through the entire   that quickly. Another good rule is
        Executive and Organizational   to both because of her exten-  leadership team, it has the po-  to remove all notification sounds
        Leadership Coaching firm.  sive experience in executive   tential of producing substantial   from your phone, so the tempta-
           I asked Pam to give us a quick   Management. “I can be relatable   results. The results are not only   tion is not there to immediately
        primer on what mindfulness is   to those larger companies that   in increased productivity, better   respond. Remember that you
        all about and how it works in her   have hundreds to thousands of   collaboration, and reduction in   teach people how you want to
        coaching business. “What I work   employees and how they show   turnover. It is by far one of the   be treated. So, you need to be
        on with clients and organizations   up right for them. Working as   greatest wellness benefits that   the one to set the rules.”
        is, how do you bring mindfulness   a leader today in business has   an organization can offer to their   Having spent some time with
        in so that you have a higher level   extensive pressures, considerable   employees.  Pam, it is obvious that she really
        of performance. How do you   demands, and in many cases   Since we had an opportu-  loves working with people who
        use it so that you move from   fewer resources. I get those pres-  nity to speak with one of the   want to develop a better way for
        instantly reacting to a situation,   sures since I can utilize my past   top Executive Leadership and   themselves to be more inten-
        to understanding what is being   experiences, while including my   Mindfulness coaches in the area,   tional. “I think anybody, whether
        said and responding normally to   training in mindfulness. It gives   I had to see if she could inspire us   you're a leader of your own life,
        it? I do a lot of training on what is   more depth insight and relatabil-  all to pay more attention when it   your family, or in an organization,
        showing up. How to allow some   ity to the coaching process that   came to reacting to those around   can use mindfulness in their lives.
        space for what's showing up and   I offer.”           us. Pam offered the following, "I   I often get introduced to people
        how you can move from being   Has bringing the mindful-  would say awareness, space and   in their professional lives, but
        reactive to a more responsive   ness piece into her coaching   grace. Be aware of what is hap-  they find that what they learn
        level of leadership.”      increased her success. “Yes, mind-  pening. Allow space to absorb   has such incredible implications
           In essence her clients come   fulness probably has the worst   it and give yourself some grace.   for their personal lives as well.”
        away understanding themselves   PR campaign in the world. Some   One thing that we really try to   Thank you, Pam, for being an
        better and paying more atten-  people think mindfulness is just   emphasize in mindfulness is that   inspiration to us all and showing
        tion to what’s going on around   meditating and they relate it to   we must be open, non-judgmen-  us how important it is to live in
        them and others' reactions and   the many pictures you see out   tal, and be in the moment. Pam   the moment with intention and
        feelings. Pam doesn’t change   there with people sitting in this   shares how our phones are a real   mindfulness. For more informa-
        their mindset, but she gives them   Lotus position with their thumbs   example of how challenging this   tion or to begin working with
        the tools and understanding to   in the air on a desk somewhere.   can be today “I think we have all   Pam, contact her today.
        change their own mindset. “I   Often when I introduce it from a   experienced the impact that our
        think the big differentiator is that   basic standpoint of gaining in-  phones have on us. No matter   Email:
        you really have to do the work.   sight into how your brain works,   what we are in the middle of,   Mobile: 916-626-2419
        You have to do the practice, you   you can learn to successfully use   you get a text, or an email and
        have to take the time to see it,   these tools. We talked a lot about   you immediately feel the need
        and then you have to put it into   what to do when you're having   to respond. Instead, you need   company/intentons-to-actions-
        play. I teach the basic under-  a hard conversation and you're   to realize that you can take a   leadership/about/
        standing, and I guide my clients   looking at them and you don't   minute to pause, take five deep

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