Page 26 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 26

Women of Distinction

                                                                 ’VONNE ORMOND IS ONE     about nine years. The mid-
                                                              Yof the few San Diegans     part was in pharmaceutical
                                                              that I have come across in my   biotech, where I worked at
                                                              twenty-one years in this town,  Pfizer Pharmaceuticals as
                                                              who is actually a native San   a global director. And then
                                                              Diegan. Most of the people I   the last part of my corporate
                                                              come across are transplants   career was working for a big
                                                              from elsewhere who for some   four consulting company,
                                                              reason, be it the military or   Capgemini in the Media and
                                                              perhaps a college education,   Entertainment domain.”
                                                              came to our beautiful town     It was at this point in
                                                              and vowed to never leave it.   Y’vonne’s life that she had to
                                                              “I’ve been in San Diego my   step back and reexamine her
                                                              whole life with the exception   career path. “The year was
                                                              of two years when I moved   2013, and I had two kids with
                                                              up to LA for work. I went   special needs, and I was at
                                                              to elementary school, high   the point in my career where
                                                              school, and college here. I did   I was offered a position which
                                                              my corporate career here, and  required a large amount of
                                                              I started a business here.” My   travel. The other option I con-
                                                              parents and grandparent are   sidered was to start my own
                                                              here in the homes they raised   firm, so I could be more in
                                                              us in. We have three genera-  control of my hours. This was
                                                              tions of natives in our family.  when I made the decision to
                                                                 Although Y’vonne began   start my first consulting firm.”
                                                              her college studies in Finance,   Y’vonne had been putting
                                                              she later found her true love   in 60-hour work weeks. Not
                                                              was in software development.  only did she have two small
                                                              “I started as a software engi-  children with special needs,
                                                              neer at 18 and I kind of grew   but at the young age of 39
                                                              up through the ranks. I found   she had a minor stroke. “I was
                                                              my interests developed in   paid very well, but at that
                                                              data architecture.” Not being   point money was not the
                                                              well versed in tech terminol-  issue. It was about my health
                                                              ogy, I had to ask Y’vonne to   and my kids’ health. If you
                                                              explain. “Data Architecture is   don’t have your health, you
                                                              basically putting data togeth-  don’t have anything.”
                                                              er so you can make decisions   With all that Y’vonne had
                                                              on how to run your business.   to face starting a brand-new
                                                                                          business, which was not with-
                                                              The data just tells a story, and
                     Y’vonne                                  then we take that story and   out its own stressors. “It was
                                                                                          pretty scary because at that
                                                              articulate it to the business
                                                              owner so they can determine
                                                                                          point I had just quit a very
                     Ormond                                   where the need is greatest   high paying six figure job. I
                                                                                          started out doing a variety of
                                                              in their business. This points
                                                              them in the direction in which  subcontracting jobs for com-
                                                              they need to go to make im-  panies, and I had one person
                                                              provements. My entire career   who worked with me. I did
                                                              was founded on data archi-  that for about two-and-a-half
                       By Judith A. Habert                    tecture, business processes,   years. It began as a small firm
                                                              and in the technology space.”   doing consulting work for
                        Photos by Nikkie Achartz                 With a twenty-year corpo-  companies, but at the time
                         Snap Savvy Strategies                rate career, Y’vonne decided   it was the best decision as it
                                                              it was time to break away   gave me enough income to
                                                              and start her own business.   cover the expenses of health
                                                              “The first part of my career   care for my children and
                                                              was spent working in the    allowing me the time to be
                                                              department of defense for   with them.”
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