Page 27 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 27

Women of Distinction

           Although Y’vonne didn’t   easier and less stressful now.   to give you advice on how   It’s all about help, transpar-
        have the requirement of trav-  “It’s just a different level of   you can run your business   ency, and partnership.”
        el, she realized her timing just   pressure. As a native I am so   more efficiently and how you   In addition Y’vonne
        was not right for her to begin   excited to be able to build a   can transform it.”  focusses on helping young
        her own firm. “After two years,   business in San Diego, the   One quality we admire   people find their ideal
        it became a bit stressful. My   city I love and provide jobs for  most about Y’vonne and   career paths “I’ve done a lot
        life was falling apart, my mar-  San Diegans. I have had the   her company is their giving   of work with Cal State San
        riage was falling apart, and I   pleasure of bringing many of   nature. They take on select   Marcos and San Diego State
        decided to go back to work                                                         over the years, and we have
        for a small technology ser-                                                        gotten some great hires for
        vices firm. I wasn’t giving up                                                     our firm and clients from
        on my dream. I just realized                                                       these schools. I have had the
        that I had to put it on hold for                                                   pleasure of being a speaker
        a bit longer.”                                                                     at these Universities and
           Y’vonne stayed at that                                                          have shared my experiences
        firm for about a year and                                                          with them.,”
        during that time she real-                                                            Y’vonne’s suggestion to
        ized that she needed to give                                                       young people wanting to
        starting her own firm another                                                      work in a similar industry is
        shot. “In the middle of my                                                         to get your college degree
        divorce I resigned and started                                                     and find a good mentor.
        5P Consulting, my current                                                          Y’vonne is well respected
        company in 2016.” The rest as                                                      in the business community
        they say is history.                                                               and has been a finalist for
           5P Consulting is a busi-                                                        San Diego Business Jour-
        ness transformation firm that                                                      nal’s Top CEO award and
        focuses on strategy, business                                                      NAWBO’s BRAVO award. She
        process improvement, and                                                           currently shows her char-
        technology enablement. “Our                                                        itable side in yet another
        clients are typically what we                                                      way, by sitting on the board
        call mid-market clients or                                                         for Operation Hope North
        companies that are in the 20                                                       County a family shelter and
        million to 300 million range.                                                      ConnectMed International
        They typically are global                                                          which is an organization
        based clients. They come                                                           that improves access to
        to us to look at how they                                                          surgical care in underserved
        are doing business from an                                                         communities, and supports
        operational standpoint. Many                                                       sustainable healthcare
        have spent a large amount                                                          through education, part-
        of money on tech, but they                                                         nerships, telemedicine and
        are not utilizing it to their full                                                 research. Their patients are
        benefit. We are called in to                                                       children with craniofacial
        deal with a business problem   the lovely people that used to   nonprofits and perform their   differences.
        and these problems vary. We   work with me over my career   consulting services free of   When you look at all that
        look at where they are today   to our company and create   charge. “One of the main   Y’vonne does for her em-
        and where they need to be in   something which is unique   reasons I founded this firm   ployees and her community
        the next 12 months. We then   and client focused.”    was to be able to help other   it is obvious that this is one
        come up with a strategy and   One element of 5P Con-  organizations and being able   very dynamic and caring
        an execution plan to improve   sulting is that they are not   to help nonprofits is a great   woman. San Diego needs
        their business process.”   focused on selling products   aspect of our business model.   more companies like 5P
           Y’vonne’s Children are 12   or services, instead they   We are happy to put money   Consulting and more busi-
        and 16 now and are doing   focus on helping companies   back into the community    ness owners like Y’vonne
        great. 5P Consulting just   improve their business pro-  through our pro bono work.   Ormond.
        celebrated its 3rd year in   cesses. Many consulting firms
        August, and it is growing   focus on selling products to    LinkedIn:
        bigger every year. They now   companies that they don’t     Website:
        have a team of 42 globally. I   necessarily need. “We are re-  Email:
        had to ask Y’vonne if life was   ally true consultants. We want
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