Page 22 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 22

Women of Distinction

                                                       Cal State University at San Marcos   Because of the increase in violence,
                                                       majoring in communications but   most of the mainstream media
                                                       stayed as a Marine reservist during   stopped coming to Iraq, so they
                                                       this time. I worked producing a TV   relied on our imagery.
                                                       show and segments for the local   It was up to Amy and the other
                                                       Oceanside community television   military photographers and videog-
                                                       station channel, KOCT, while com-  raphers to go out and get the footage
                                                       pleting my degree.”            and the photos. “It was tough. We
                                                          Amy’s plans quickly changed   had to go out with the troops on foot
                                                       after the tragic events of Sept. 11.   patrols and vehicle patrols to get
                                                       “9/11 completely changed the trajec-  the footage. We wanted to capture
                                                       tory for me. I got mobilized within a   the troops in action and share the
                                                       year and sent to Afghanistan. I was   courage it took to go out on a mis-
                                                       disappointed at the time, but, then I   sion every day, despite the imminent
                                                       realized this is the best education I   dangers.
                                                       could ever get. And being at the heart   Amy remembers to be grateful
                                                       of what was going on there in those   for all the good things she has and
        Amy served as a   thought, wow, this just landed in my   early days was just an amazing ex-  that she came home safe because
        U.S. Marine Com-  lap. It was a really great experience,
        bat Correspondent   and I learned a lot very quickly.”  perience. It was the early days of our   many fellow Marines weren’t as
        from 1993 to 2010                              involvement when they hadn't seen   lucky. Many fellow service members
        and deployed to    Once her mission there was   a lot of Americans yet. It was just   were severely injured or killed. “I’m
        Fallujah, Iraq, in   completed, she landed back in Cal-  this interesting place that wasn't as   so grateful to have survived and live
        2006. She  would   ifornia at Camp Pendleton. “I spent   dangerous as it would later become.   to share their stories whenever and
        often embed with   several years working here at the   At that time, the journalists were able  wherever I can.”
        combat troops   base TV station, the base newspaper,   to even go out to some restaurants,   Amy returned to Iraq in 2008
        while on foot   and organizing community relations   even in the city. I got to work with a   for another tour but the situation had
        patrol to document   events. I was working with all of the   lot of top journalists in the industry   drastically improved and she was able
        their operations.   San Diego media outlets and getting   who were coming to Afghanistan to   to report on the progress made in the
        Here she is with   to know and learn how they operat-
        two women she   ed. It was a great experience for me   interview our senior military leaders.   short amount of time. She returned
        encountered while                              It was the type of education that   home to Oceanside and completed
        other Marines   and I loved working in the fast-paced   money couldn’t buy.”  her master’s degree at University of
        conducted a search   environment. I was called upon   Amy ended up completing here   San Diego in 2009 while continuing
        of the house. Many   to prepare commanders, and our   bachelor’s degree in 2005. “Short-  her television hosting and producing
        of Amy's photos   other military leaders for on-camera   ly after finishing my degree, I got   responsibilities at KOCT.
        would later be   interviews and directing them on   mobilized again to go to Iraq. It was   Amidst two extremely danger-
        turned into an   how to succinctly tell whatever story   in 2006, at the height of the Iraq war,   ous deployments in the war zone, she
        exhibit at local   they were called upon to report.   I got mobilized to go with a Camp   still managed to not only graduate
        libraries and other   Sometimes the topics were tough and   Pendleton unit to Anbar Province,   college, but go on to obtain her
        venues.        involved casualties, other times they   one of the most dangerous places on   master’s degree. This makes us feel
                       were feel good news stories.”   Earth. We were in places like Fallujah  foolish for complaining about the
                           Other assignments included   and Ramadi where the casualties   small inconveniences that sometimes
                       planning and organizing com-    were at their highest.”        derail us.
                       munity relations such as parades,   Amy’s job was to cover com-   Amy’s grandparents were both
                       organizing flyovers and the Marines’   bat operations and submit photos   alive to see all that Amy had accom-
                       participation in presenting the U.S.   and video so that the media could   plished in the military and needless
                       flag at football games at Qualcomm   use them to help tell their stories.   to say they couldn’t have been more
                       Stadium or other types of communi-                             thrilled. “I was the only one in my
                       ty events.                                                     family to join the military, so they
                           Amy left active duty after eight                           were very proud of me.”
                       years so she could complete her                                   In 2010, the opportunity to
                       college degree. “I stayed in the area                          switch from the Marines to the Navy
                       and earned my bachelor's degree at                             came up allowing her to go from
                                                                                      her enlisted status to becoming an
                                                                                      officer. Amy jumped at the opportu-
        Amy on the ground at the Syrian-Iraqi border - Amy served two                 nity and joined the Navy Reserve as
        tours in Anbar Province, Iraq, in 2006 and 2008, and forged                   a public affairs officer. “I applied to
        many lifelong friendships with fellow service members and                     the program and got accepted, and it
        contractors while deployed. "There were so many lessons learned               was really a great move because I’ve
        during those years. I'll never forget the blood, sweat and tears
        shed during those difficult times," Amy recalls. Her book project             met so many new people. The Navy
        to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11 will highlight the                has so many wonderful opportuni-
        sacrifices made by those who had ties to North San Diego County               ties to serve and I’ve expanded my
        and how the surrounding communities have provided unwaver-                    network with additional training and
        ing support to service members through the years.                             deployments.
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