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Women of Distinction
                     S.G. BLAISE


                                                  By Judith A. Habert

                                           Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                       S.G. knew from the time    It was this history that   S.G. moved to America in
                                   that she was about 10 years   S.G. was able to use in her   2001. Despite a working knowl-
                                   old, that she wanted to be a   writing. Her country was filled  edge, she had never spoken En-
                                   writer. “Even as a young girl,   with so much beauty but was   glish, so it was a bit of a culture
                                   whenever I couldn’t sleep, I   also filled with ruins. She used   shock to be in a new country
                                   would write short stories in   all of this knowledge and his-  and unable to communicate
                                   my head and it would relax   tory in the stories she wrote.   with those around her. It took
                                   me enough to fall asleep. In   “Hungary is a country that   her almost ten years to become
                                   my stories, I was always the   has a ‘thousand years of victory   fluent. Throughout this time,
                                   princess or the hero. It made   in defeat’ (as noted in the book   she had ideas for possible books
                                   me feel empowered and ready  Hungarians: A Thousand years   in her mind, but didn’t proceed
                                   to face the next day.”     of Victory in Defeat by Paul   because she wanted to be able
                                       Being born in Hungary,   Lendvai.) We outlasted every   to write them in English, which
           Many of us dream of being  S.G. was surrounded by a   one of our oppressors. I grew   is a daunting task for someone
        a published author one day,   culturally rich history, dating   up during the second half of   whose first language is Hun-
        but in the case of S.G. Blaise, it   back a thousand years.  the Soviet occupation. My Dad   garian. S.G. was determined to
        is a dream come true. “During   “I would go to school   decided that his way of rebel-  share her stories, “Writing is not
        a family cross-country road   and walk past ruins of an   ling was to smuggle in Hol-  what I do. It's who I am. There
        trip in 2012, an idea came to   ancient Roman house on my   lywood movies. He didn’t get   is nothing I would want to do
        me in a dream. I remember,   right side and on the left side   them to sell them, he wanted   aside from writing. This is my
        we were in Austria. I woke                                                        passion and my dream come
        up in the middle of the night,                                                    true.”
        feeling jet-lagged and with                                                          S.G. didn’t publish her first
        this amazing story idea that I                                                    book until 2020, as she explains,
        instinctively knew would span                                                     “I didn't learn the writing
        a couple of books. I wrote it                                                     craft like those who were born
        down, with the only illumina-                                                     here in the US. For example,
        tion coming from my phone.”                                                       in Hungarian a quotation in a
        This was the impetus that                                                         section of dialogue is marked
        gave S.G. the starting point                                                      by a dash, not by a quotation
        for her creative endeavor, The                                                    mark. This was just one of the
        Last Lumenian Series. Kirkus                                                      many differences I had to learn
        Review calls the debut book:                                                      when writing in English. I was
        “A terrifically entertaining,                                                     starting at ground zero, but I
        complex and original fantasy.”                                                    embraced all the challenges that
        Many reviewers on Amazon   you could see a castle, which   to show them to his children.   came with developing my own
        and Goodreads say it’s the   was ruled over by Kings and   No one in my family spoke   writing style. I didn’t just revise
        most compelling, captivating   Emperors. It was phenomenal  English, we weren’t allowed to   my story, I rewrote it five or six
        Sci-Fi/Fantasy book they’ve   how much history was sur-  speak anything except Hun-  times, starting from a blank
        read, a real page-turner. It has   rounding me. It’s no wonder   garian or Russian. He would   page and writing 500-pages on
        already won multiple awards,   that this influenced the lush   use his voice to translate the   average. This allowed me to find
        including Best Romance     and layered world building   movies, so we could under-  the best possible story, while
        Fiction at the 2020 New York   of my book, The Last Lume-  stand. He risked his life, he was   actively learning the craft of
        Book Festival as well as Best   nian—from the castles, to all   very brave to do this, because   writing at the same time.” The
        Science Fiction at the 2020   the way to the dictators with   he wanted to enrich the lives of   culmination of over six years
        New England Book Festival.  an agenda.”               his children.”              of hard work resulted in the

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