Page 14 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 14

Women of Distinction

              enise Arand is prob-  was ideal. My airline position   various jobs along the way.   situation and suggested I give
              ably one of the few   allowed us to fly for free, and   Denise worked in real estate, as   insurance a go. At first, I was
       Dtrue “California Girls.”   Chris’ position allowed us to   a reservation manager, and as a   dead set against it and then
        To some this means born and   play golf for free.”    box seat manager at a racetrack   decided ‘Hey, why not?’ “
        raised in California, but in the   A few years later Denise   and casino. ’It seemed like I just   Denise found out that she
        case of Denise, her connection   and her husband welcomed   couldn't really land in a profes-  just loved helping people plan
        to California goes way back.   their two daughters, Suzanne   sion I loved. I felt like I wasn’t   and protect their futures. She
        “My great grandfather had   and Elizabeth, just a year apart.   using my degree, although   loved the idea of helping a fami-
        been lured from Illinois, with   When the girls were nearing   in some ways I was, because   ly ensure they had the resources
        the promise of ownership in a                                                     to send their children off to
        goldmine only to find out it was                                                  college or to help them retire
        a hoax. However, that didn’t                                                      with dignity.
        deter him from his desire to                                                         “I was loving what I was
        raise his family in California.                                                   doing and then the market
        Not only did he stay, but ended                                                   crashed and suddenly being
        up being one of the founding                                                      in the financial field was not a
        families in the City of Redlands,                                                 coveted position to hold.” It was
        California.”                                                                      just about this time that Denise
           When Denise was a young                                                        felt it might be time to leave the
        child, her family moved to                                                        financial field. Denise and Chris
        Manhattan Beach where she                                                         moved back to Colorado and
        remained throughout her school                                                    she was feeling kind of lost, and
        years. “I had a great childhood                                                   not quite sure what direction
        with a loving family, but they                                                    she wanted to go, when she
        never seemed to mention                                                           happened upon an introduction
        anything to me about money.                                                       to one of the founders of Five
        They were wonderful providers                                                     Ring Financial. After spending
        and took wonderful care of us.                                                    some time learning about this
        Whatever we wanted would just                                                     unique company, Denise knew
        appear, no more accurately, not                                               Photos by Dawn Nicoli/ Nicoli Productions  that she finally found her home.
        everything we wanted, but ev-                                                     “The structure of Five Rings
        erything we needed. So, I never                                                   Financial was amazing. What I
        really thought about money.”                                                      liked most about them was their
           Denise remained in Man-                                                        structure. It was so open and
        hattan Beach until she went off                                                   appealing. Unlike most insur-
        to college at UC Santa Barbara.                                                   ance companies, there was no
        “I was a communication major,                                                     door knocking, cold calling, or
        and planned on going into                                                         hard selling, for which many in-
        broadcasting. I really wanted   Denise Arand                                      surance companies are known.
        to be a newscaster. I knew that                                                   What I especially liked was that
        I did not want to be a reporter                                                   they were truly focused on mid-
        though, since I never wanted to      Wine, Women & Wealth                         dle Americans and one of their
        stick a microphone in some-                                                       primary goals was educating
        one's face, after they have been           By Judith A. Habert                    their clients. Their cornerstone
        through a tragedy and say, well,                                                  was educational workshops,
        how do you feel?”                                                                 which were truly educational,
           Denise’s plans took an un-  school age, they moved out of   communication was a big part   not the kind where you go, and
        expected turn when she met her   the Los Angeles area. Chris had   of every job I held. Then I was   then you have to buy a book or
        soon to be husband Chris. “I got  been offered a position as a golf   laid off from a marketing job   sign up for their services. They
        out of school and got married   pro in Colorado, so they spent   at the racetrack, and I really   were all about educating the
        right away. I married the man   the next 7 years there, and it   had no idea where to turn next.   attendees on financial matters.”
        that I am still married to almost   was another offer from a very   We were living in a small town   If after hearing about the
        43 years later.”           prestigious course in New Mexi-  of about 40K people in New   company the attendees wanted
           Denise and Chris moved   co that made the family pick   Mexico called Farmington, and   to know more or find out what
        into a small apartment near the   up stakes once again for a great   when I went to town to pay our   would work for them, the Five
        beach. Denise got a job with   opportunity.           insurance premium, the agent   Rings Financial agents were
        Continental Airlines, and Chris   Denise was busy raising   started a conversation with me   happy to listen and suggest what
        was a golf professional. “Life   her girls while working in   about my current employment   they felt was best. “We work

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