Page 16 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 16

Women of Distinction

           Today there are Wine,   that we have not grown as much  do through our Wine, Women   Wealth. It is a wonderful book
        Women and Wealth meetings   as we had hoped” It is best that   and Wealth meetings.  which not only teaches readers
        all over the country thanks to   in a relationship no one person   Even though the meetings   some very important financial
        Denise’s idea that started at a   has the control or concerns of   had grown all across the coun-  lessons but does so through true
        little wine bar in Carlsbad with   money alone. No one person   try, Denise still felt the need to   stories that are shared by Five
        her four networking friends.   should be kept up at night,   do even more to help her clients   Ring Financial agents across the
        Every day of the week and   trying to figure out how to send   and potential clients. This is just   country. It is a great read since it
        sometimes twice a day these   the children to college or how   one of the many characteristics   contains real-life situations and
        meetings are going on where   to be certain that there will be   that makes Denise the perfect   explains how to handle various
        women learn about finances   enough money to retire. One   person to rely on when you   financial problems. Pick up
        while making new friends and   point I always like to make to   want to be certain you are work-  your copy today, it will be one
        enjoying a great glass of wine.  my female clients, and friends   ing with the perfect professional   of the best moves you can make
           “Things have gotten a lot   is that when they lose the man   to look out for your financial   towards financial freedom!
        better for women regarding   in their life, many believe the   future. Denise wanted to do
        finances and even the choices of   solution is to find another man.   even more to ensure that she   To purchase Denise's book go to
        career goals than they were. A   I always tell them, ‘A man is not   could get the word out to even
        lot of this is because of the big   a plan.’” So, women should be as   more women. This was when   or on Amazon at
        push for STEM programs for   well versed as men in household  she decided to write a book
        young women. Just the fact that   finances. There should be a   to make things even clearer.   Wine-Women-Wealth-Inspira-
        there needs to be a push to get   partnership around money in a   Denise recently wrote a book,   tional-Financial-ebook/dp/B07Z-
        girls into these fields is proof   marriage. This is what we try to   aptly called Wine, Women, and   R6KLMJ

                                                                                                   Poetry Corner

          I Float                                             Seasons of Life

          By Traci Trezona                                    By Eva Redding

          You dropped me in the deep end, to see if I would   Offer me a tingle of spring
            float. Over and over and over again.              Crawling slowly yet consciously
          I soon grew tired and weary.                        Tiny drops of heaven renew our thirst for life.
          I was no longer floating, but rather treading water.  Refreshed and determined, earth offers yet another promise.
          Then, before I knew it, I was sinking.              Promise of eternal future, lush pastures and unblemished lamb
          Sinking. Suffocating. Drowning.                     Lamb that is eagerly welcomed and adored.
          All senses shut off.                                Pure and innocent, tingle of spring has arrived.
          Source dove into those waters and pulled me to shore.
          Cold, wet, alone, and hungry for more, I was left there   Take away the burden of summer.
            with a vision.                                    Fresh wounds exposed and sizzling
          A vision of life. On my terms. Full of love, laughter, and   Perched soil gnarled and thirsty.
            peace.                                            Heavy and oppressed we march in desperation
          Now I bury my heart in the deepest of oceans.       Into the heat that never leaves.
          I float.                                            With starlight comes relief
          Every. Single. Time.                                Lonely cowboy trapped inside the belly of the night,
          On my terms.                                        where indigo skies never end in the burden of summer.
          Do the oceans get rough and turbulent from time to
            time?                                             Lavish me with anticipation of autumn
          They absolutely do, but someone always throws me a   Crisp and fresh dwelling deep into the earth.
            lifevest.                                         Essence of ripeness and abundance
          That someone is me.                                 Rejoicing in the velvet skins of harvest.
          I choose to save myself.                            Amber and rust richly surround the soul
          Every. Single. Time.                                Dancing and drunk, our brushes soaked in auburn palettes
                                                              Magicians fill their cups with the anticipation of autumn.
                                                              Gift me winter peace
                                                              Quiet and still, humbly dormant
                                                              Unrushed and unencumbered
                                                              Frozen yet warm. Escaping time renews faith.
                                                              Faith that won’t quit with emerging sundown
                                                              Anticipation too mighty to put out the flames.
                                                              Resting courageously our minds dwell in the gift of winter peace.
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