Page 13 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 13
Women of Distinction
relationships I have built over they came to her and told her Although Rachel is
my career. It’s humbling that what they were doing, she was excited about the growth of
so many people I’ve worked inspired. The company was her company, she explains
with over the years want to founded by two women from how she sees the future. “I
work with me again.” Ireland. They are bringing don't mind if we get bigger,
Rachel’s agency, Ford Hut- their products to the US mar- but I don't want to get bigger
man Media, typically works ket. “They came to me and I just for the sake of it. We are
with clients in healthcare, just saw so many great stories looking to bring on a few new
biotech, and digital health. for them. These new therapies people this year. For me, it's
These areas fall under the are incredibly needed, and more about having a good
life sciences umbrella. They they fought hard to get the balance, and a good quality of
have a wide range of clients company to this point. These life. I love surfing and when
from large corporations, such are the stories that need to be we get too busy and I'm not
as Medtronic and Illumina, told.” able to get out there surfing, I
to mid-size and even some Her clients are not the feel like something is missing.
startups. Rachel equally enjoys only ones who are thrilled So, I want to grow smart. If
working with the variety, as with the work that Rachel is I ended up having the same
each brings new challenges. doing. Back in May 2020 she clients I have now for the next
I asked Rachel what she received an award as a ‘Power 10 years, I'll be happy.”
liked most about her job, “I Woman of San Diego.’ “Being Rachel’s advice for those
just love storytelling. When recognized for the work you who want to follow in her
a company comes to me and love doing is incredibly hum- footsteps is to do as she did,
they have something really bling,” she says. start out working for a small
interesting happening, but Ironically, Rachel met her boutique agency. This allows
they are having trouble getting husband Mike at a beach in you to learn all aspects of the Her one last bit of advice
the attention they want, that’s Maryland. They are both avid Public Relations and Media is one that we should all follow
when I’m at my best. When I surfers, and this was what Relations field. It also allows regardless of what field we are
create an awesome piece that initially brought them togeth- you to work with compa- in. “I always treat people with
highlights all the great inno- er. Rachel was 19 and by the nies from a variety of fields, kindness as my Mom taught
vation they are doing, that for age of 23 they were married. allowing you to decide in me. I have been very lucky
me is exciting.” They have a 9-year-old son, which area you would like to to work with many people
For example, one of Ra- Cameron, who is already in specialize. throughout my career. Kind-
chel’s clients, Shorla Pharma, love with surfing. Mike joined Rachel adds, “I always ness matters and people will
is developing therapies for the firm as CFO and Rachel tell people that are interested always remember that.”
oncology and rare diseases for enjoys having him as part of in PR to have conversations Rachel is thrilled to be liv-
women and children. Wom- the company. "We work very with people that have done ing and working in San Diego.
en and children have been well together. He enjoys doing something similar. When I “I think when people see that
underserved traditionally in all the financial work, so it is a ventured out on my own, I I'm in San Diego, it's a nice
the biopharma market. When great fit for us both.” spoke with a lot of my past credential to have, and it's re-
CEOs and colleagues. I also ally helped me grow my career.
realized that being vulnerable It is a great hub for life sciences
was important. I found that and technology, and we are
when you come to people like so lucky to be in a place with
that, they're so happy to share so many amazing academic
their expertise with you. They research institutions. I don't
are honestly touched that you think I could've gotten to this
think that highly of them that point in my career so quickly
you go to them for help.” had I lived in a different city.”
To find out more about Rachel and the Ford Hutman Media
Agency, visit their sites at: