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Women of Distinction

                                                                                                   SDWM Book Review
           Kathy didn’t stop speaking   Gratefully, I’ve met many
        out, though. In fact, she spoke   amazing people in my life. I   The Chunkiest Angel
        out more, eventually becom-  had someone who stood by
        ing a powerful voice in the   me even after finding out what
        nine-year campaign, a huge   happened to me. I also have my           By Jennifer Maksimovich
        statewide coalition, to get both   husband Gary, who’s stood by
        the criminal and civil statute of  me through everything.     his is a book that will
        limitations extended for child   These two wonderful and   Tnot only be loved by
        sex abuse crimes in Massachu-  compassionate people gave me   your children, but you
        setts.                     the love and support I needed   will find yourself offering
           On June 26, 2014, the day   to grow and find myself, and   to repeatedly read it to
        the civil bill was signed into   to find what I was meant to do   them. The lessons to be
        law, Kathy could finally file suit  with my life.          learned within the pages
        against her abuser in Federal   One of the most important   of this amazing children’s
        Court in Springfield, Massa-  things I’ve learned in my life is   book will spark the re-
        chusetts.                  to never quit. No matter how    alization in all of us that
           She won her case against   much it hurts; you keep on go-  often things happen for a
        her abuser on all 5 counts.   ing. No matter what the odds,   reason, even if at the time
        Going through the 4 day jury   you keep pushing ahead.     the meaning may not be
        trial was not an easy road by   Don’t let anyone tell you   evident.
        any means.                 how you’re supposed to act or      In addition to this
           Meanwhile, her husband   what you should do, be your    beautiful teachable story,
        and she were writing a book   own self. Be bold. Surround   are the most adorable   another soul weather the
        about her life and that was   yourself with good people.   watercolor illustrations   COVID Pandemic, leading
        huge because it allowed her to   Kathy is inspirational proof   that will draw your child’s   to Betty’s own understand-
        reach a much wider audience.   that good people can win, and   attention to each and every   ing of her angelic role.
        Their book has won 3 awards,   that speaking out and fighting   page.                  This is a timely story
        and now her husband is busy   for what you truly believe in   The synopsis of this   that will resonate with all
        writing a screenplay. “We’re   can help make this world a   book perfectly explains the   children whose lives were
        hoping it becomes a movie   better place.                  story. Betty, The Chunki-  changed so dramatical-
        about my life” she says.       At the beginning of this    est Angel, didn’t think she   ly during the Covid-19
           In my wildest dreams, I   article I said I would never be   was well suited for Angel   Pandemic. If you are in
        never thought I would achieve   whole.                     Training Camp. With tiny   search of a contemporary
        all that I did in my life so far.   I’m not.               wings she wondered if she   read for your children, go
        I was such a scared, quiet, shy   But I am complete.       would ever even get off the   to the author’s website at
        kid and even as a young adult I   And you can be too. Get in-  ground. While contemplat-  http://www.jmaksimovich.
        was much the same.         volved. Be cool. Never give up!  ing this possible dilemma,   com. to learn more and
                                                                   and snacking on her favor-  order your copy today, or
                                                                   ite food, perfect chocolate   contact Jennifer directly
        Kathy Picard is an Award-winning Advocate/Author whose work   chip cookies, she heard   at author@jmaksimovich.
        centers on increasing awareness of the harsh realities of sexual   sobbing. Thus, began   com or jenniferleigh2234@
        abuse. Over 20 years advocacy work including her persistent and de-  an adventure in helping
        termined work on having Criminal/Civil Statute of Limitations for
        sexual abuse eliminated. She has presented to Colleges, Universities,
        Hospitals, Department of Mental Health, Correctional Facilities,
        Staff and Female/Male Inmates including sex offenders, and Police
        Academies. Kathy’s been recognized for her efforts and received
        many awards and citations. She is expecting her Children’s Book to
        be released in a few months.

        Her Book is on Amazon, Life with My Idiot Family A True Story of
        Survival, Courage and Justice over Childhood Sexual Abuse written
        by Kathy and Gary Picard Available in Book, Kindle and Audible.
        Kindly do an Amazon Review to support her cause.

        Kathy can be reached at

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