Page 12 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 12

Women of Distinction

             achel Ford Hutman’s                                                          and media relations given her
             love of the ocean and                                                        deep expertise in the field. Not
       Rher favorite pastime,                                                             long after, she found herself
        surfing, was a sure sign that                                                     being recruited by IBM to lead
        she would at some point end                                                       external relations for health-
        up living in San Diego. “I was                                                    care and life sciences.
        born and raised in Lisbon,                                                           “Working at IBM was an
        Maryland. I earned my                                                             amazing experience that made
        undergraduate degree from                                                         me realize that I could go out
        the University of Maryland                                                        on my own. That desire, along
        and left a couple years after                                                     with the encouragement of
        college. I've always loved the                                                    past clients, helped me take
        beach lifestyle and surfing, so                                                   the leap and open my own PR
        relocating to San Diego was an                                                    Firm.“
        easy decision.”                                                                      Rachel’s love of life sci-
           In 2008, she decided to                                                        ence started from an experi-
        pursue her master’s degree                                                        ence that personally touched
        in communications and San                                                         her life. “When I was in high
        Diego State has a nationally                                                      school, my mother was first
        recognized program.                                                               diagnosed with breast cancer.
           Rachel loved to write and                                                      It was her participation in
        spent time working as a jour-                                                     an experimental clinical trial
        nalist. “I was a reporter at the                                                  that saved her life. Having
        North County Times, which                                                         seen firsthand how it can
        ended up being acquired by                                                        save lives was an incredible
        the San Diego Union Tribune.”                                                     experience. It opened my eyes
        Unfortunately, Rachel lost her                                                    to the clinical trial process,
        job when the entire newsroom                                                      and how critical it can be. It
        was shut down during the                                                          is extremely motivating, and I
        financial crisis.               Rachel Ford                                       am grateful to be working in
           Rachel decided it was time                                                     such a gratifying area where
        to think about pursuing a new                                                     you are actually helping peo-
        career. “I just remember com-                                                     ple and making an impact in a
        ing home saying to my hus-             Hutman                                     positive way.”
        band, that I had to find a new                                                       I asked Rachel what it felt
        career. I was always talking to                                                   like venturing out on her own,
        these Public Relations people,                                                    an often daunting process. “I
        and I told him that I thought I            By Judith A. Habert                    ended up starting this agency
        could do that.“                                                                   at the end of February 2020,
           “I quickly fell in love with      Photos Courtesy of Rachel Ford Hutman        which was right before the
        PR. I am a storyteller and stay-                                                  pandemic hit. I had a bunch
        ing with a company’s story was                                                    of meetings with new clients
        more enjoyable for me than                                                        lined up, and it just all went
        stepping in and out of peo-                                                       on pause for a bit. I was defi-
        ple’s lives as a reporter does. I                                                 nitely thinking that perhaps
        loved developing a company’s                                                      I had just made the biggest
        communications strategy, and                                                      mistake of my life. There was a
        the results that I could achieve                                                  moment of panic.”
        by helping a client share their                                                      The panic decreased after
        story in a strategic way.”                                                        about two months and then
           From there, Rachel                                                             business started picking up
        worked for multiple PR firms,                                                     after people started hearing
        slowly moving to larger firms                                                     that Rachel had opened her
        and working with global,                                                          own agency. “It has been
        world-renowned clients. As                                                        growing quickly from there
        she grew in her career, she be-                                                   and it's been wonderful. Much
        came an expert in life sciences                                                   of this has resulted from the

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