Page 15 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 15

Women of Distinction

        primarily with financial in-  for them, besides the obvious   can to make them feel comfort-  same questions and concerns.
        struments that go up when the   answer of making their money   able.” Check with Denise to find   Hence the creation of Wine,
        market goes up, but stay level if   grow. I think it is more about   out the schedule for a meeting   Women and Wealth.”
        the market goes down, so they   helping people than it really is   near you. You can reach Denise   The group of five women
        are great for those who are risk   about the numbers. Helping   at 760-206-7177 or at darand@  grew each month, when each
        adverse.”                  them to accomplish their goals.”  of her original friends brought
           When Denise started with    In 2006, after the death of   Denise loved this course   more friends along to gain these
        Five Rings Financial, there were   Chris’ Dad, his brother asked if   but felt they needed more, so   critical insights about money.
        only a few hundred agents. To-  he would help run their compa-  she came up with a wonder-  The more women who attended
        day there are over 10,000 across   ny in Fallbrook, California. He   ful idea. “ I just really needed   her Wine, Women and Wealth
        the country. She set out to learn   had retired from golf and was
        all about her new company and   free to make this move. He went
        she gained a complete education  on ahead to make sure this was
        to assure she would provide the   the right move for them, while
        best products and options for   Denise totally immersed herself
        each client’s particular financial   in Five Rings Financial to learn
        needs.                     everything possible directly
           “I can't imagine doing   from the source. They made the
        anything else. What’s ironic   final move six months later, and
        is that I am probably the last   Denise went to work building
        person in the world who would   her business here in the San
        have aspired to be in financial   Diego area. “The flagship course
        services. I was not very good at   for our company is Money 101,
        math in school, but my Dad was   where we teach the basics of fi-
        really a genius in math and both   nance to anyone who would like
        he and my Mom helped me get   to attend one of our seminars.
        through my advanced math   It's really just money basics, but
        classes. My dad was surprised   it's surprising what people don't
        when I went into the financial   know about money. And there's
        field. What I realized was that   so many ‘a ha’ moments.”
        when I learned what the num-   Unlike most other financial
        bers do for people, they were   companies, Five Rings Finan-
        no longer nebulous, they made   cial doesn’t concentrate on the
        sense to me. This is what I try to   super wealthy client. They are
        do for my clients, I try to make   not out there chasing after those
        sense of how it all comes back   with millions to invest, instead
        to making their money work for   they are looking for the average
        them. I work with a client from   person who is looking to grow   something else. And what hap-  groups, the more she realized
        a collaborative place, helping   wealth, sustain wealth and have   pened is that about six months   how many women needed the
        them realize the purpose of the   it work for them when they will   after we moved, I realized that I   information she was sharing.
        money, asking them what it is   need it most, in the retirement   knew my husband, my dog, and   “Over the years I had realized
        they want this money to do for   years. “Not surprising, the   my brother-in-law, and that was   that women had often been pat-
        them? Is it just for savings? Is   middle class is not considered   it. I decided that I really needed   ted on the head and told ‘trust
        it for their retirement? Is it for   the preferred market for most   some girlfriends. I had attended   me, darling, I’ll take care of it,’
        their children’s education? I ask   big financial companies. They   some networking meetings and   and they were never in on most
        them what they want us to do   are for us, and we do what we   made friends with four women.   of the financial decisions made
                                                              We decided to get together once   in their relationships. A lot of
                                                              a month. It ended up that our   women have little involvement
                                                              conversations would revolve   in their household money. If
                                                              around money. Since they were   their husband passed away or
                                                              entrepreneurs, questions kept   the marriage ended, they were
                                                              coming up about how they    in a state of panic. For example,
                                                              could retire, since they didn’t   they blew the money because of
                                                              have a retirement account or   the freedom they suddenly had,
                                                              401k. So, I started answering   or they were just frozen in place,
                                                              those types of questions when it   unsure what to do. At Five
                                                              hit me that there were probably   Rings Financial, we never want
                                                              many women who had these    to see a woman in this position.”

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