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Women of Distinction

                                   sassy and rebel princess who is   it down. I was happy to see him   readers come away with the
                                   fighting for refugees’ freedom   unable to put it down, until he   knowledge that you don’t have
                                   from oppression. But the arrival   finished it.”       to be perfect to be a hero.”
                                   of a mysterious and ruggedly   S.G. has other stories to tell   I asked S.G. to share her
                                   handsome General brings news   and plans to in future books,   words of inspiration for all the
                                   of a bigger war, the Era War.   but this series is her priority   aspiring writers out there. “The
                                   Princess Lilla, who is only 19,   for many reasons. “This series   first and foremost advice that I
                                   must learn to control her magic   is important to me because it   would give to anyone is to just
                                   and defeat the dark God before   has elements of female em-  sit down and write. Get past the
                                   he finds her. I think that readers   powerment. The main hero is a   procrastination and fear and
                                   of all ages will enjoy reading this  young woman. She isn’t perfect   just write. The second tip would
                                   story because of Lilla’s person-  though. She has challenges with   be to consider this as a journey,
                                   ality and her intriguing journey.   claustrophobia induced panic   and not a sprint. You don't know
                                   She has sass, strength and vul-  attacks. This is something close   how long that journey is going
                                   nerability, making her real and   to my heart because I have fam-  to take, every step is valuable,
                                   relatable. She is the new female   ily members who suffer with   and something that you need to
                                   hero everyone wants to be.”  this condition. It can be very   enjoy. There will be milestones
                                       A factor that weighed   debilitating and affects their   along the way that you need to
                                   strongly in the writing of her   everyday life. As the series will   celebrate. Your focus should not
                                   book was her desire to write   progress, this claustrophobia   only be on the end goal of being
                                   something that her teen son,   will have a very important role   published. Each step along the
                                   would pick up, read, and enjoy.   in it, tied to fantasy elements,   way is just as important.”
        first book of the series, The Last   “He hates to read and considers   but I can’t give away more than   This is how S.G. is living
        Lumenian.                  it as a form of punishment. I   that. Having my hero deal with   her dream as her acclaimed
           I asked S.G. to share with   wanted to write a story that was   internal and external struggles   work is being shared with
        us a short synopsis of her book.   so cinematic and so immersive   and overcoming them makes   millions of people, all over the
        “It is a coming-of-age story of a   that he wouldn't be able to put   her more real. I hope my   world.

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