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Women of Distinction

        started going crazy. It's been   of family can be found within                          SDWM Book Review
        just absolutely phenomenal. I   her many books.
        felt then, and really wish now,   This year, Catherine will   The Family
        that every author out there   launch a new book series in
        has the opportunity to experi-  which unconventional family   Portrait
        ence the joy of success.”  bonds are front and center.
           Catherine is referred to   CHANGING THE RULES:
        in the industry as a “Pantser”   Book One of the Richter
        which means just that. Pant-  Series (Montlake; March 23,   ne of the happiest times
        sers are writers who create by   2021) features a feisty cast of   Oin most young women’s
        the seat of their pants. Rather   characters who readers first   lives is when they are told
        than working from an outline,   met in her fan favorite First   they are expecting a baby.
        they hop in their concept like   Wives series. Catherine pulls   We all go into it with high
        it's a car, letting it take them   in readers from the first page   hopes and expectations,
        wherever it takes them, only   with emotionally rich char-  but what happens when the
        seeing as far ahead as their   acters and an action-packed   unthinkable happens and
        headlights allow. Catherine   plot spiked with humor, sus-  we lose the baby. In Carol
        creates it all in her head, and   pense, and of course, steamy   Johnson’s book, The Family
        allows her characters to write   romance.               Portrait she shares her story
        their own story, this is also   Catherine’s novels are   of love, and loss in a way
        known as a character driven   amazing, I am currently   that only someone who has
        novel.                    listening to her book EV-     gone through a nightmare of  but it is more than that. It
           Catherine has two sons,   ERYTHING CHANGES on        this magnitude can share.   is a testament to determi-
        both no longer in Califor-  audio in my car and am so      Carol was married at    nation, love, and the desire
        nia. Her oldest is a hot shot   engrossed with her charac-  the young age of 19 to her   to accomplish what you set
        firefighter, who lives in Boise,   ters Grace and Dameon that   husband of 20. Planning   out to do. Carol’s story will
        and when he's not there, he's   I find myself missing my   to enjoy their youth, they   make you give each of your
        in Northern California on a   exits, and I don’t even care!   decided to wait a few years   children an extra big hug
        hot shot crew. These brave   What makes her stories even   to start a family. As they   and give thanks that you did
        firefighters respond to large,   better is that she uses her   say, the best laid plans…   not have to go through the
        high-priority fires across the   own experiences, her many   When Carol’s husband,   horrors that she endured.
        country and are assigned to   travels, and her relationships   Kennie, became seriously ill   You will not be able to put
        work the most challenging   with her family and friends   when she was just 23, their   this book down until you
        parts of the fire. This is a   to pepper her story lines.   new focus became his care.   get to the end, because we
        situation that is not easy for a   This feeds into the long-time   Unfortunately, she was faced   need to know if she had her
        mom, but Catherine and her   adage of writers worldwide,   with the fact that she would   happily ever after, and if she
        boys lived through the Sand   ‘write what you know.’    shortly become a widow.    was able to get that Family
        Fire which almost cost them   I am so looking forward   Thankfully, his condition   Portrait that she was work-
        their home in San Clarita.   to reading CHANGING        improved, and they decided   ing so hard to accomplish.
        Living in Southern California   THE RULES as soon as it is   it was time to move forward   As Carol States in her
        most of his life, he knew this   released. I know it will take   to make their dreams of a   synopsis, “I’m the mother
        was what he wanted to do,   some time to do so, but I   family complete, a loving   of six, but I only have one
        as wildfires seemed to have   am addicted, and know that   couple and their children.   living son. When you have a
        always touched his life. “My   when I have completed these   Carol Johnson’s The   baby, the baby changes your
        son really, really loves his   two novels, I am working my   Family Portrait is a roll-  life. When you lose your
        work and as scary as it is for a   way through the other 34.  er coaster ride of joy and   baby, you lose your identity.
        mom, I admire what he does    If you are looking for    anguish and was one I could   Are you still a mom or a
        and have a strong faith that he   an amazing writer, and an   not put down. With each bit   dad? It’s one hell of a story. I
        will be fine.”            amazing storyteller who       of joy and heartache, I felt   know, I lived it.”
           Catherine is equally   will keep you guessing and    like I was on this journey   The Family Portrait is
        proud of her younger son,   keep you reading, then visit   right along with them. If   available on Amazon. Go to
        who lives in Portland and is   Catherine Bybee’s site at   a writer can make you feel
        an entrepreneur who recent-     this way, then this is a writer  ayr8 and order a copy for
        ly started his own business.   and order her books. You   you must read.           yourself and maybe for that
        Family is important to    will be hooked from the very     This is definitely a book   friend or relative who is
        Catherine, and it shows in   first chapter of the very first   for any woman who has   struggling to fulfill their
        her novels. Her strong sense   book you read.           suffered the loss of a child,   dreams.

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