Page 5 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 5


                     Robert Tussey                      Jaime V. Habert                     Lisa Lohani
             Robert has been a published writer for over   Jaime is the Managing Editor of San Diego   Lisa Graduated with a BA in Psychology and
           thirty years and has been providing editing ser-  Woman and a freelance writer out of Carlsbad,   started her career writing and editing procedures
           vices for the past twenty-five. As a musician, he   CA. She loves to document topics of health and   for a local manufacturing company. After about
           has written scores of songs. His life has revolved   fitness, entrepreneurship, and body image. Her   13 years, she quit her job to spend more time
           around his music and writing, often melding the   dream is to have a not-for-profit which empow-  with her kids. Since then, she has spent a good
           two into articles and interviews.  ers young girls to focus on their goals in the busi-  deal of her time figuring out ways to entertain
                                              ness world.                         and educate her kids without going insane. She
                                                                                  entered the writing scene to help share her cre-
                                                                                  ative ideas with others in a simple and fun way.

                      Carol Heath                        Traci Trezona
             Carol is a Certified Clinical Master/Teacher;   Traci Trezona has over twenty years of expe-
           she is certified in a myriad of alternative modal-  rience in the spa and wellness industry. Currently   Jessica Petrencsik
           ities including Color and Sound therapy, Chakra   she is a Spa Director at Cal-a-Vie,  luxury desti-  Jessica is a freelance writer and editor, cov-
           therapy, Reflexology, Cranial and Lomi lomi mas-  nation resort in the San Diego area. She also has a   ering topics in the areas of business, social jus-
           sage and developed her own hands on healing   private holistic healing practice where she allows   tice, education, adoption, mothering, and local
           method.                            spirit and all that it encompasses to illuminate   events. She is currently working on a memoir
                                              and encourage others. For more information visit   of her time in Zimbabwe as an English teacher
                                           with the U.S. Peace Corps in the late ‘90s. Jessica
                                                                                  also enjoys spending time in the Eastern Sierras,
                                                                                  backpacking, painting, and taking her children
                                                                                  on adventures in nature.

                   Charles Illingworth
             Charles frequently writes humorous and heart-
           warming short stories, and is often quite full of   Eva Redding
           himself. He seems to take pride in embarrass-  Eva was born and raised in the Czech Repub-
           ing his kids and grandchildren whenever he can.   lic. She came to Southern California as a student
           In addition to writing numerous satirical articles   and later met her husband. They have been happily   Stephanie Lee Bio
           for a local newspaper, as well as authoring two   married for 24 years and live in San Marcos. Even   Stephanie has been teaching fitness since
           very well written books, so he says, his goal is to   though English is her second language, she has al-  1994 when she first became certified by AFAA
           bring joy and contentment into his readers life. He   ways been drawn to exploring it through reading   (Athletics and Fitness Association of America)
           writes under the byline C F Illingworth.   and creative writing. Her favorite is writing poetry   as a Group Fitness Instructor. She took her ini-
                                              and mysteries.                      tial Mat Pilates training in London, UK when
                                                                                  she was preparing to be Fitness Director aboard
                                                                                  a cruise ship. Her fascination with this very ef-
                                                                                  fective fitness format grew and soon she began
                                                                                  to specialize in core work. She is excited to intro-
                                                                                  duce others to the mental and physical aspects
                                                                                  of this dynamic work. She can be found through
                     Debbie Storms
             Debbie has enjoyed many careers from ac-    Dawn Nicoli
           countant to air traffic controller. She believes life   For over 20 years Dawn has owned and operat-
           is an adventure to be lived to its fullest. Growing   ed Nicoli Productions, an environmental portrait
           up in New Jersey, she learned life skills to help her   studio, run out of her two-acre property in Escon-
           practice that credo. Her passion for travel has tak-  dido. Starting a new chapter of her life, when se-
           en her to many parts of the world. She is now fo-  renity has become so important, Dawn spends her
           cusing on writing about her travels and interview-  time in her palapa tree house with her dog, Kar-
           ing entertainers, which is a great combo!  ma. exploring the world of writing.
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