Page 27 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 27

Women of Distinction

        using a box of band aids with each lamp, I                                                “What’s wrong with
        realized how laborious a job this was.                                                  her skin?” she asked.
                                                                                                Both my daughters
           Laughing at her cuts, Cathy went on.                                                  were now staring at the
            “Each lamp takes me about 300-400                                                      image.
        hours to make but I love every minute of                                                       “Well, you know
        it!” The designs are Tiffany originals but the                                              how some people
        color choices are all mine. Much of the glass                                               have freckles, like
        Cathy uses in her lamps is antique glass and                                                me? Other people
        handmade.                                                                                 have places where
           Once the glass is hand cut and ground                                                their skin is lighter
                                                                                               than the rest of the skin
        down to fit the pattern, they are cleaned                                             around it. We don’t know
        and wrapped in copper foil. The pieces are                                            why; sometimes people are
        tacked onto the mold where they are then                                             just born that way. Isn’t it
        soldered together. Larger shades are rein-                                           interesting how women can
        forced with heavy wire for stabilization. Fi-                                        come in so many different
        nally the lampshade is cleaned and a special                                         looks?”
        patina applied. I only use bronze lamp bases   All Kinds of Beauty                      The girls were studying
        from the original Tiffany designs, complet-                                          the photo. My oldest turned
        ing the desired effect.”                             By Jessica Petrencsik           around and looked up at an
           As we walked out to her grand living                                              image of an Asian woman
        room I gazed upon several lamps each with   Walking through a pop-  through my head was, which   with a brown birthmark on
                                                                                             her thigh.
        different personalities.             ular department store with   of these elements was the   “Look at this!” I said. “She
           Like treasured sea shells, each was   my daughters, ages nine   offensive one?    has a birthmark, just like you
        so different in their design it was hard   and seven, we ran across   I landed on the near-na-  guys!”
        to choose a favorite. The tiniest dribbled   several large images of   kedness.         Both my daughters have
        lavender and indigo in the shape of grapes.   women in their underwear.   Now I happen to know   birthmarks on their backs.
        Fireflies laced the brim of another with a   And while I’m not particular-  that my daughter’s body has   One has a reddish “straw-
        background of teals and turquoise. As I   ly thrilled about the public   started marching away from   berry,” and the other has a
        leaned closer the colors engulfed me and   display of really big images   childhood in a very physical   brown patch. Neither are
                                                                                             very noticeable, but they are
        took on a world of their own.        of women in their lingerie,   way, and she is NOT having   there.
                                             an interesting conversation
                                                                     it. She is fighting the visible
           Noticing my amazement, a twinkle   occurred.              manifestations of young    “Isn’t she beautiful?”
        came to Cathy’s eye. “You know Tiffany was   I had turned down an   womanhood with all her   I threw that out there,
        quite an artist.” she boasted. “He was the   aisle when suddenly my   might. Rejecting womanly   hoping upon hopes that my
        forefront of the Arts and Crafts Movement   daughter said, “EW. Look at   features is absolutely part of   girls would carry home in
        and was also associated with the Art Nou-  her. That’s GROSS.” I looked   her strategy.  their hearts the belief that
        veau style of decorative art. He made pieces   over at the life-sized picture   But I wanted to har-  nothing, not a birthmark,
        for Mark Twain and several U.S presidents.   of a woman in her bra and   ness this moment and be   or large thighs, or slanted
        For many years it was thought that Tiffany   underpants. The human in   specifically clear about my   eyes, or unevenly colored
                                                                                             skin diminishes their beauty
        designed his own lamps but recently it was   me felt slapped in the face   thoughts on this image,   and worth. Diminishes any
                                                                     because if we as parents are
                                             by hearing my daughter
        uncovered that many of the lamp designs   call a woman gross. But the   not explicitly clear, kids of-  woman’s beauty and worth.
        were created by his assistant, Clara Driscoll   mother in me knew that   ten pick up other messages   “Let’s go,” the oldest
        who came from my home state of Ohio!”  something deeper was   from friends or culture and   growled, whirling around.
           Tiffany believed that we can heal   going on.             hold on to those. And those   She was done with this con-
        through beauty and it was said that he was   “What do you think is   are not always the greatest   versation. She was grabbing
        intoxicated by color.                gross about her?” I asked.  messages.           tightly to her denial that
           When I asked Cathy the sale price of her   The nine-year-old wrin-  “Are you bothered that   womanhood is coming for
        lamps a wide expansive look came to her eyes.  kled up her nose and turned   she is in her underwear?” I   her. But that’s OK. She is,
                                                                                             after all, in fourth grade. It’s
           “I just haven’t been able to put a price   around to walk away.  asked.           not particularly fair that she
                                                                        She didn’t look up. “Yes,”
                                                There were a few things
        on them.”                            going on here. For one, the   she muttered.     is dealing with changes at
           Her lamps surrounded her like mem-  woman was in her under-  Then she pointed at an   so young an age. And I am
        bers of her family and I knew they weren’t   garments. She also had   image a few clothing racks   going to keep momming
        going anywhere for a while.          softly visible cellulite on her   away. It featured several   her—taking these oppor-
           Cathy Schulte lives with her family of   thighs. She was beautiful yet   women of a variety of sizes,   tunities to speak truth to
        Rottweilers and Tiffany lamps in the Felicita   wearing no apparent make-  shapes, skin tones, facial   her confused and irritable
        area of Escondido.                   up. Her skin was slightly   features, and ages. In partic-  self, hoping that something
                                             darker than my daughter’s,   ular, one Black woman with   sticks as she navigates this
        Cathy can be contacted at            a browner shade of caramel.   vitiligo, splotchy patches   tricky thing of becoming a
                                                                                             woman today.
                                             So, the question running
                                                                     with little pigment.
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